High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzles

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby coloin » Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:09 pm

t wasnt clear from Mladens link as to how the compression program would work ....
And a 50G look up table isnt ideal !!

I can see why you would wish to keep the bands in min lex order and using the row4 would be a step to make the files more manageable.

A post by holdout and blue 4-RowCover confirmed the number of 4-row partial grids as 4051084.

its not clear from the thread what the actual number of row 4 completions there are .. and r4c1 is resticted to a 2 ... [EDIT it might well be 7666]

of course the number of ways to have a row 4 with a specific band isnt 8! .. its more like eg 1x6x4x5x3x3x2x1x1 ~ 2000
in band 1 , with 1007170 grids there were only 126 different row4s,
In band 299 with 133302 grids there were 1994 different row4s

the first 27 row4s in my list are
Hidden Text: Show
Code: Select all

the number of row4s [ in use in the min lex] that i have scourged approaches 4020 and is increasing....
I think gsfs generator would generate these in the order

Compressing the whole file strategically , and reducing the data to be compressed go together i suppose.

the 416 can be stored
the row4 for a specific band can be generated on the fly too - although there are isomporphic reductions [ as in band 1] - so probably could be stored as an actual.

As an idea we could have an example of a minlex solution grid
Code: Select all

1st Band                    Row4      Rest of puzzle





Possiby could be a reversable process
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Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby champagne » Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:05 am

Hi coloin,

The idea is clearly to have a quick link from a given solution grid in min lexical form to it's number 1 - 5472730538 and reverse. This reduces the solution grid to 10 digits or 5 bytes in binary mode (33 bits).

The first constraint is to have common definition of the solution grids order and it will surely be the min lexical order of the ED solution grids.
This pushes to have either a copy of the catalog done with this constraint or a catalog builder giving it.

The next step is a way to compress using files as small as possible. The 50G file proposed by mladen is a start (I did not check if it fits with the sort constraint.

Where we are, we are considering an option using

an index made of the first four rows
the rest to define, still open

Some comments on the "row4" index and the next one.
We could think of a second index having the valid rows 1-4 as number f entries.

coloin wrote:A post by holdout and blue 4-RowCover confirmed the number of 4-row partial grids as 4051084.

if my understanding is correct, this is similar to the number of 416 for the ED bands 1, but as several bands 1 have no ED solution grid in min lexical form (and some of them less tan 10), many of these 4 051 084 will have no solution grid attached. The final count could be around 1 million or less,
Then we cam think of a second index with the same number of entries.

coloin wrote:its not clear from the thread what the actual number of row 4 completions there are .. and r4c1 is resticted to a 2 ... [EDIT it might well be 7666]

of course the number of ways to have a row 4 with a specific band isnt 8! .. its more like eg 1x6x4x5x3x3x2x1x1 ~ 2000
in band 1 , with 1007170 grids there were only 126 different row4s,
In band 299 with 133302 grids there were 1994 different row4s

The number of theoretical ways to have the row 4 is not so important, it is a short to describe the first 4 rows in the index table, 8!=40320 seems reasonable for a quick decompression of the row4.
And your examples go in the direction of my previous statement
band1 has 108 isomorphism,
band 299 is already far in the sorting sequence (no isomorphism)

coloin wrote:
Compressing the whole file strategically , and reducing the data to be compressed go together i suppose.
the 416 can be stored
the row4 for a specific band can be generated on the fly too - although there are isomporphic reductions [ as in band 1] - so probably could be stored as an actual.

As an idea we could have an example of a minlex solution grid
Code: Select all

Rest of puzzle rows 5-9





Possiby could be a reversable process

using index an only actual ED solution grids, the rest after row 4 is completely defined with rows 5-8 excluding box9. This is 32 digits to optimize (eg r789c1 are known when band 2 is defined).
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Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby champagne » Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:12 am

coloin wrote:in band 1 , with 1007170 grids there were only 126 different row4s,
In band 299 with 133302 grids there were 1994 different row4s

Hi coloin,

more on this.

I made a test using my code for the 17 clues scan. The sequence is not the same, but the results have a similar logic.

I run
the band 1 (third, index 2 on my side)
the band index 6 on my side, the first band with no automorphism,
the band index 300 (no automorphism) close to your second example.

The run ties are respectively 22;1288and 162 seconds with my old computer.
The number of "rows 4" are expected to be close to yours in the first and last case and close to all patterns for the band index 6.

This means that one possible solution with a response below 0.1 second per solution grid could be to have no file per solution grid, but to start from the index per row4 and to use the builder to find the rank of the given solution grid.

I hope to have he time this week to finish and test the code.
Note: in such a case, the index would likely be an internal table of the code.
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Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby coloin » Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:01 am

The 9! [362880] is reduced by a factor of ~ 1/9 x 9 because row1 is always 123456789, and by ~ 1/8 x 2 as the 4 and 5 are always starting row2.
This reduces the possibilities to exactly 102550.

Of these 14568 were of the form 2xxxxxxxx

I looked at several milllion minlexgrids and noted the individual row4s. FWIW I found 10163, but there may be a few more...

Indeed the number of valid row4s is specific for each of the 416 bands [actually specific for each of the 44 gangsters].... but it probably is < 2000 for each gangster
I dont think gsf employed this reduction as he generated from the 416, but maybe he did......

But I think compressing the solution grids of Min lex Band1/Row4 combinations is a way forward.

Of course the pruning still needs to be done....
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Identifying Minlex solution grids

Postby coloin » Tue Apr 09, 2024 2:49 pm

champagne wrote: The idea is clearly to have a quick link from a given solution grid in min lexical form to it's number 1 - 5472730538 and reverse.

maybe a solution to the mapping of grids to the #5e9
maybe the solution is to process like gsf has done, but not actually generate all the grids....
only the final part of the grids are pruned and can be identified as a minlex grid.

Classification of the look up tables which I can link to
Code: Select all
#1# 416         Band1       [ though only 401 are used] [the vast majority of minlex solution grids use initially  bands 001-299]
#2# 14568       Row4        [ though only 10163 + are known to be used ]  [120-2000 for each band/gangster]
#3# 720         c1r56789    [ though only 124 are extrapolated to be used]   [each of the 4 options - 6,7,8 or 9 @r3c1 uses 100 or so]

take a relatively high up in the order min lex grid
Code: Select all
123456789457189236689327514278964351396215478514738962765842193832591647941673825##Chosen Minlexgrid

This grid can be partially identified : as band-048 Row4-9960 and Col1-010. [ from the look up tables]

#1#   #2#         #3#

Band1 #Row4    #c1r56789#
#048# #278964351# #35789#          15266 sols [not all minlexgridsols]
#048# #    09960# #  010#
#416# #    14568# #  720#

Essentially we have a "Flag" pattern which is ordered minlexographically...
Code: Select all
|457|189|236|  - Band1
|278|964|351|  - Row4
|3..|...|...|  -
|5..|...|...|  -
+---+---+---+  - Col1
|7..|...|...|  -
|8..|...|...|  -
|9..|...|...|  - 
+---+---+---+   15266 sols
                which were all ED [ all the transformations apart from reflection are defined]

Pruning ..... by minlexing the 15266 6to minlex grids and then comparing with the original solutions, 11987 of the 15266 were minlex solution grids. This all took a few seconds or less processing time.

The solution grid can therefore be mapped to an extent.....
Code: Select all
123456789457189236689327514278964351396215478514738962765842193832591647941673825 was #  9450 out of 11987

This solution grid can be identified as 048/09960/010/09450

Conversely, generating all of band 048 which took over an hour, splitting it into over 16 manageable files of 4M each, with a bit of effort I found the same grid at band 048/560890393 ! :geek:

Perhaps if this has no flaws the #2 and #3 look up combinations could be confirmed ... but defining all the gaps to elucidate the grid number maybe isnt actually required and would be quite a task :roll:
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Re: Identifying Minlex solution grids

Postby champagne » Tue Apr 09, 2024 9:26 pm

Hi coloin,

I have surely a proposal in my head, but I was short in time to finish and test my draft. I should have more time in the next days to work on it.

coloin wrote:
champagne wrote: The idea is clearly to have a quick link from a given solution grid in min lexical form to it's number 1 - 5472730538 and reverse.

maybe a solution to the mapping of grids to the #5e9
maybe the solution is to process like gsf has done, but not actually generate all the grids....
only the final part of the grids are pruned and can be identified as a minlex grid.

Surely, the pruning comes mainly after the rows 4 " accepting the idea that the start is one of the 416 min lexical patterns".
This is not 100% true. You can apply the auto morphs filter to the band 4. This is enough to get only the 126 rows 4 that you found for the band 1

And if the index on "band1 plus row4" valid gives you all valid minlex solution grids attached, you have the start for the pruning of any given branch. So for me, this index can only be done out of the catalog builder.

coloin wrote:Classification of the look up tables which I can link to
Code: Select all
#1# 416         Band1       [ though only 401 are used] [the vast majority of minlex solution grids use initially  bands 001-299]
#2# 14568       Row4        [ though only 10163 + are known to be used ]  [120-2000 for each band/gangster]
#3# 720         c1r56789    [ though only 124 are extrapolated to be used]   [each of the 4 options - 6,7,8 or 9 @r3c1 uses 100 or so]

No basic problem for the 2 first "lookup" tables, the third one is not in the minlex sequence. I discarded my stack option, we have the same problem here.

In fact, in what I have in mind,

The third part will be the code of the catalog builder giving on the spot the lilst of attached solution grids
The second lookup table contains only used rows 4 for each band1. the theoretical possible patterns will be used to describe the rows 4 in a compressed form and by the solution grid compressor to give the short to use in the lookup.
The first is just a table giving for each of the 416 band1 the number of rows 4 stored in the second table.

A key point is the number of "band1;row 4" existing in the catalog. I am sure that it is far below the 4 051 084 number of classes given by blue, but I need some more days to have a first estimate of it
And for sure, I have to verify that the pruning of the rest (after row4) can be done in less than 0.1 second.
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Re: Identifying Minlex solution grids

Postby coloin » Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:55 pm

champagne wrote:No basic problem for the 2 first "lookup" tables, the third one is not in the minlex sequence. I discarded my stack option, we have the same problem here.

im pretty sure im just repeating what gsf did except he stopped at the end of band1 and i am generating and pruning furthur down the text sting with another row and another column.

I think you were right with the stack / column option ... i only tested for one of the 720 ways to fill in col1 after the 2 at r4c1, and it is in min lex order, [1462]35789, not [1462]35879 for example.

However ive overlooked furthur constraints and there are only 40 ways [ not 720, not 120] to fill in column 1 in minlex grids ! :oops:
Hidden Text: Show
Code: Select all
 6@r3c1      7@r3c1       8@r3c1       9@r3c1
=======     =======      =======      =======
235-789     235-689      235-679      235-678
237-589     236-589      236-579      236-578
238-579     238-569      237-569      237-568
239-578     239-568      239-567      238-567
257-389     256-389      256-379      256-378
258-379     258-369      257-369      257-368
259-378     259-368      259-367      258-367
278-359     268-359      267-359      267-358
279-358     269-358      269-357      268-357
289-357     289-356      279-356      278-356

Even more, with Row4 having starting 278xxxxxx as here.... this means there are only 3 ways to fill in col1 min lex :D
Code: Select all
|3..|...|...|         3  3  5
|5..|...|...|         5  9  9
|7..|...|...|         7  5  3
|8..|...|...|         8  7  7
|9..|...|...|         9  8  8

checking this, sol count for this band1plusrow4 is 530,000 sols , 3 x 15000 x 12 = 540000

champagne wrote:A key point is the number of "band1;row 4" existing in the catalog. I am sure that it is far below the 4 051 084 number of classes given by blue, but I need some more days to have a first estimate of it

I think you will find my numbers are aproaching the true figures, but as you say the absolute number is maybe less relevant as a zero solution / conflict costs very little in time !
champagne wrote:And for sure, I have to verify that the pruning of the rest (after row4) can be done in less than 0.1 second.

there are quite a lot of solutions to a band1 plus a row4, [~500,000] but this is inflated by x11 isomorphs which cant be minlex [2x6] !!! But if there are only 3 ED col1 I'm sure that the process is fast !!

All the minlex grids for that specific band1+row4+col1 i think are found - of course its easy to make an error and overlook major flaws... !!
I should go back and check the grids that I generated in the file containing 048/560890393....
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Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby dobrichev » Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:40 am

Scanning the minlex grids catalogue for row4, regardles of the leading band, gives 10375 distinct values.
The result row4, number of occurences looks like
Code: Select all
214365897   2603739
214365978   2455784
214367598   1157115
214367895   1567913
214367958   1904249
214368597   1540637
214368957   2042471
214368975   1814422
214375698   1853584
214375896   1032378
298764315   401114
298764351   452061
298764513   380847
298764531   51201
298765134   28658
298765143   310825
298765314   369433
298765341   444253
298765413   421793
298765431   32568

The most frequent values are
Code: Select all
231564978   3845370
231564897   3810781
231645897   3792232
231645978   3714482
214568397   3683145
214695378   3616850
215648397   3573586
234615897   3567672
215864397   3534200
234615978   3495857

and some of the less frequent are
Code: Select all
246175893   1
276135894   1
276135948   1
278135946   1
279143865   1
279148365   1
279164853   1
286173945   1
286174395   1
286174593   1
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Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby champagne » Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:55 am

Hi mladen,

I don't know if you have in hands the catalog sorted in the minlex sequence. The count that I expect to give in the next days in the number of occurrences (band1,row4) in such a sequence.
If you have such a file, it could be a way to cross check the count.

In fact, a catalog having the row 4 in the right sequence is likely enough to produce the right count.
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Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby dobrichev » Wed Apr 10, 2024 12:58 pm

Hi Champagne,

Yes, I have the catalogue in hands and can confirm your results. Do you expect table in form <band number>, <row4 values>, <number of grids>?

It isn't clear to me what will be the next step after you get these lookups.

Clearly large sets of records, each consisting of previously binary compressed information, couldn't be effectively compressed later. For practical purposes, as JPF already mentioned, keeping puzzle lists as text in minlex in sorted files gives very good compression using standard zip.

For the huge files in high-clue search I used a dozen of minlexed sorted zip files, and applied filtering/merging using standard utilities like comm, sort -m, sort -u, split. Operations were done in pipeline, decompressing archives on the fly, which utilizes multiple CPU in a simple and self-balanced way.
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Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby champagne » Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:24 pm

dobrichev wrote:Hi Champagne,

Yes, I have the catalogue in hands and can confirm your results. Do you expect table in form <band number>, <row4 values>, <number of grids>?

this is exactly what I want to get as first output of my code. The idea is then to put it as internal table with a double index

count of row 4 per band 416 as first index
list of row4s with the count of solution grids as second index.
my bet is that the second index will contain around 1 million items, but more could still be acceptable for an internal big table.

dobrichev wrote:Hi Champagne,
It isn't clear to me what will be the next step after you get these lookups.

At this point, again something to verify, the catalog builder will take some milliseconds to produce the list of attached solution grids.

If the target is just to get the catalog entry number, we have one solution grid in minlex morph to transform in the solution grid ID. Having the start point from the lookup file, we run the builder with the first 4 rows till the expected solution grid and we get:
Either a pointer for an internal treatment on the catalog (likely what used "Mathimagics") or a reduction of the solution grid to a 10 digits/ 33 bits value.

But this can also be a way to deliver pieces of the catalog with different ways to show the last 5 rows.
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Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby coloin » Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:52 pm

Glad to have that analysis done. Very good to get 10375 row4s !
looking at my results it appears the row5 adds more minlex grids
so, removing a tier and grinding out the possible col1s [ 3 in this case]
Code: Select all
+---+---+---+   15266 sols                                                             
+---+---+---+   13284  sols                                                             
+---+---+---+   15852 sols                                                             
                44402 sols                                                             
                from 44400 different grids [ 2 duplicate minlex solution grids. ]

of these solution grids there were 35042 minlex solution grids. [the others were larger] [so called pruning]

my chosen bandplusrow4 / grid
Code: Select all
123456789457189236689327514278964351396215478514738962765842193832591647941673825 was 19934/35042

therefore the correct classification would be [ losing a tier] :!: 048/09960/019934

the #row4 number wuld be updateable as its 09960/14568, somewhere near 6700 / in list of 10375
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Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby coloin » Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:51 pm

dobrichev wrote:It isn't clear to me what will be the next step after you get these lookups.

well a stepwise progression of

puzzle -> solution grid -> minlexsolutiongrid -> band/row4/number -> 5e9 number

This might give clarity in many applications... no ?

maybe the last step isnt necessary though
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Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby dobrichev » Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:48 pm

Here is part of the results.
The columns are
Band401 - a zero-based band index. The catalogue doesn't know that 416 bands exists, it knows only those capable to be top band. Could be remapped to Band416 after some manual work and searching in archives which bands are never at the top.
Row4 - the values of the cells in row 4.
FirstGridIndex - a zero-based index of the minlex grid.
NumGrids - number of grids sharing with this (top band + row 4). This isn't the number of solutions but the number of catalog items.
Code: Select all
0   214365897   0          49776
0   214367598   49776      44554
0   214367895   94330      40523
0   214368597   134853     45278
0   214368975   180131     41310
0   247691835   1007060   27
0   247835691   1007087   7
0   247935618   1007094   1
0   267348591   1007095   49
0   267591348   1007144   22
0   267591834   1007166   3
0   267834591   1007169   1
1   214365897   1007170   49461
1   214365978   1056631   48547
1   214367598   1105178   46139
391   285317964   5472730470   1
392   245918376   5472730471   1
392   295713468   5472730472   1
393   231564897   5472730473   2
393   231645897   5472730475   3
393   231648597   5472730478   2
393   234615897   5472730480   2
393   234695817   5472730482   1
393   239645817   5472730483   2
393   239648517   5472730485   1
393   241573896   5472730486   1
393   281643597   5472730487   1
393   284615397   5472730488   1
394   231645897   5472730489   2
394   231864597   5472730491   4
394   231874596   5472730495   4
394   248615973   5472730499   1
395   231564978   5472730500   4
395   231645978   5472730504   6
396   285793146   5472730510   1
397   281537946   5472730511   1
397   285137946   5472730512   1
397   285713946   5472730513   1
397   289564173   5472730514   1
398   231564978   5472730515   4
398   231578946   5472730519   1
398   231645978   5472730520   7
398   231978546   5472730527   1
398   234178965   5472730528   1
398   234817965   5472730529   1
398   235178946   5472730530   1
398   235817946   5472730531   1
398   235964178   5472730532   1
398   239564178   5472730533   1
399   268174593   5472730534   2
399   268741593   5472730536   1
400   274538196   5472730537   1

Generation took 25 minutes.

If you have ordered list of millions of minlexed grids the mapping time will be in the same order (full catalog scan). For shorter lists binary search could skip some regions and reduce the time.
Mapping unordered lists (binary search for each grid) is of academic interest but I will stop here.

From disk space perspective mapping resolves the grid (assuming catalogue existence) but leaves the pattern of the givens open. I still doubt this approach is practical.
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Re: High density files for solution grids and 18 clues puzzl

Postby champagne » Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:52 pm

coloin wrote:
dobrichev wrote:It isn't clear to me what will be the next step after you get these lookups.

well a stepwise progression of

puzzle -> solution grid -> minlexsolutiongrid -> band/row4/number -> 5e9 number

This might give clarity in many applications... no ?

maybe the last step isnt necessary though

in your puzzle -> solution grid -> minlexsolutiongrid -> band/row4/number
"number" is the count of solution grids attached.
I don't see a way to skip the -> 5e9 number.
If the user is waiting for the list of solution grids attached, the problem is very similar but the constraint of the order of the sub list does not exist.
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