Help with topics for Sudoku tutorials

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Help with topics for Sudoku tutorials

Postby dxSudoku » Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:39 am

First of all I am shameless plugging my tutorials so I apologize. But I've spent a crazy amount of time making these tutorials over the last year: ... subscriber

I'm interested in finding some interesting topics for new videos. Please post any ideas or links to interesting techniques or Wiki pages you have found on obscure stuff. Thanks.
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Re: Help with topics for Sudoku tutorials

Postby Hajime » Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:42 am

I like your video tutorials.
Maybe a video about whips and braids might be challenging
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Re: Help with topics for Sudoku tutorials

Postby MarkUltra » Fri Jul 17, 2020 4:47 pm

Yeah, I think that videos can be more comfortable. Like this
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Re: Help with topics for Sudoku tutorials

Postby jco » Sat Jul 18, 2020 11:16 am

Hello, dxSudoku,

I would like to suggest a fourth video on Hodoku. The solution path in Hodoku is a very interesting feature and although described in the manual, it would be nice a video showing how to use that feature to analyse different ways for solving a valid puzzle.
In your first video on installing Hodoku, you could have shown (for instance) how a Linux user would install it.
Another suggestion would be an introductory video on the basics of Exocet (it would be the first video on it!).
On more general subjects, I suggest a video on the hardest sudoku puzzles (no video that I know mentions them) and the issue of solving them with a strong computer program (limitations).

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