Help with solving this puzzle

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Help with solving this puzzle

Postby PeetNeef » Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:22 pm


I cannot solve the remaining of this puzzle. I want to advanca as a Sudoku player, but I am stuck here. Can someone show which techniques I could have been used with an explanation?

Thanks in advance!

I provided a photo below!
Posts: 28
Joined: 06 February 2023

Re: Help with solving this puzzle

Postby Leren » Wed Feb 08, 2023 4:37 am

The puzzle .715..8.......369...3..7....62.....
Code: Select all

Code: Select all
| 9   7  1  | 5   4    6  | 8  3  2  |
| 248 5  48 | 1   28   3  | 6  9  7  |
| 6   28 3  | 9   28   7  | 4  15 15 |
| 48  6  2  | 34 *5-13 58 |*13 7  9  |
| 5   9  7  | 6  *13   2  |*13 4  8  |
| 3   1  48 | 47  79   89 | 5  2  6  |
| 18  38 9  | 2   35   4  | 7  6  15 |
| 17  4  6  | 8   79   59 | 2  15 3  |
| 27  23 5  | 37  6    1  | 9  8  4  |

You've actually done pretty well to get to your diagram position without using this Unique Rectangle move, which solves the puzzle a bit easier than without it.

The UR is digits 13 in the 4 cells marked * and you can remove 13 from the top left * cell, which becomes 5. I'm guessing this is what the puzzle designer had in mind as the best way to solve.

If you want help with UR's you can read about them, for example, here.

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Joined: 03 June 2012

Re: Help with solving this puzzle

Postby PeetNeef » Sat Feb 11, 2023 6:59 pm

Awesome! Thanks for your reply, that's a new nice technique I did not know about!
Posts: 28
Joined: 06 February 2023

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