Help with solving this puzzle #6

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Help with solving this puzzle #6

Postby PeetNeef » Sun Mar 19, 2023 10:55 pm

Hey guys,

Another puzzle again. Tried something with UR's and other techniques, but I can't work it out..

I hope the notes are clear.
Posts: 28
Joined: 06 February 2023

Re: Help with solving this puzzle #6

Postby Leren » Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:24 pm

The puzzle 4..1...5.....7..9.8.2......1....3.8..632.857..8.6....3......2.4.4..8.....9...6..7

Code: Select all

Code: Select all
| 4  37  9  | 1  6  2    | 37  5   8 |
| 36 5  a16 | 8  7  4    | 13  9   2 |
| 8  17  2  | 59 3  59   | 17  4   6 |
| 1  2   4  | 7  5  3    | 6   8   9 |
| 9  6   3  | 2  4  8    | 5   7   1 |
| 57 8   57 | 6  19 19   | 4   2   3 |
| 67 13  8  | 59 19 1579 | 2   136 4 |
| 2  4   7-6| 3  8  17   | 9  d16  5 |
| 35 9  b15 | 4  2  6    | 8  c13  7 |

This is where I think you should be. You seem to have solved r6c56 correctly as 1 & 9. Not quite sure how you did this but it doesn't affect the solution.

The cells marked a-b-c-d form what is known as a W Wing. What this shows is that one of cells a or d must be 6, so r8c3 <> 6 = 7 and the puzzle is solved. You can read up on W Wings here.

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Joined: 03 June 2012

Re: Help with solving this puzzle #6

Postby AndyP » Thu May 04, 2023 9:22 pm

My solver tries BUG+1 before W-Wings and so it sets r8c8=1 with 19 cells remaining unsolved. (It used a UR1 to eliminate 59 from r8c6 with 25 clues remaining.)
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Joined: 04 May 2023

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