DrKelly wrote:I am trying to add a photo of the sudoku, but that also doesn't work. I keep getting this message: "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached.
Anyone else knows what to do?
If you are unable to upload the image here:
1. If the image is already available elsewhere, provide link to the image here.
2. You can upload the image to an external file hosting service, and provide link to it here.
3. Use text to represent the image, e.g.
- Code: Select all
| . . . . . | . 5 . . |
| +---+ +---+ +-------+
| . . | 2 | . | . 4 . | . . |
+-------+ | +-------+ +---+ |
| . 8 . | . | . . | . 7 | 6 |
+---+ +---+ +-------+ |
| . | 1 6 | . . . 9 . | . |
| | +---+ +-------+ |
| . | . . . | . . | 3 9 . |
| +---+-------+-------+---+ |
| 2 3 | . . . . . | . . |
| +---+ +---+-------+-------------------+---+
| 6 9 | . | . . . | . . . | . . 6 . 3 | . |
| | | +-------+ | +---+ +---+ |
| . . | . | 8 | 3 6 | . . . | 5 8 | 3 | . | . . |
| +---+ +---+ | +-------+ | | |
| . | 2 . 9 . . | . . . | . . . | . | 2 7 |
+---+-------------------+-------+---+ +---+ |
| . . | . . . . . | 9 3 |
| +---+-------+-------+---+ |
| . 6 4 | . . | . . . | . |
| +-------+ +---+ | |
| . | . 6 . . . | 2 4 | . |
| +-------+ +---+ +---+
| 2 | 3 . | . . | . | . 1 . |
| +---+ +-------+ | +-------+
| . . | . 9 . | . | 3 | . . |
+-------+ +---+ +---+ |
| . . 2 . | . . . . . |
4. Use 2-line jigsaw definitions, e.g. for above:
- Code: Select all
grid 1:
......5....2..4....8.....76.16...9........39.23.......69..........836....2.9..... 111112222113122244333155224633555554633355444667777744668777999668788999688888999
grid 2:
.....6.3....583..........27.......93.64........6...24.23.....1....9..3....2...... 999888886999887866999777866447777766444553336455555336422551333442221311222211111
The 1st 81-chars is the sudoku, the last 81-chars define the irregular regions. This is not ideal, as it does not show the overlapped region.