I have been trying to get my head around the concepts of a grouped nice loop. I was wondering if any of you could take a look at this one and tell me if I am on the right track?
(this is a very "academic" loop, with no real use (I think) in actually solving the puzzle. I just wanted to check if I have gotten the concepts right. I marked each node with a number to make it easier to follow. (for myself anyway...) It is nr. 24 from the top1465)
- Code: Select all
3 168#6 7 | 59#4 5689- 4 | 19#3 2 569#3
456 26#6 2456 | 1 2569 235679#1 | 8 3456 345679#2-
9 1268#6 14568 | 2357#8 2568 235678- | 1347 13456 34567
1678- 12678#6 128 | 457#7 3 15 | 147- 9 4568
167 5 39 | 8 1249 1279 | 12347 1346 3467
178 4 39 | 6 1259 12579 | 1237 1358 3578
4678 36789- 468 | 2349 24689 23689 | 5 3478- 1
2 1368#6 14568- | 345#5 7 1568- | 349#5 348#5 3489#5
14578 13789- 1458 | 349 14589 13589 | 6 3478- 2
I like this one because (as far as I can tell) it has all the different connections and node-types. grouped / non grouped with strong / weak links