There are several single-digit Coloring patterns that are named. In your puzzle, the (*) cells represent a Skyscraper (on its side) pattern for "1". It results in three eliminations, and cracks the puzzle. There are numerous other eliminations on "1" using other named single-digit Coloring patterns.
- Code: Select all
| 8 269 1269 | 159 7 156 | 3 4 26-1 |
| 69 3 5 | 4 *169 2 | *18 68 7 |
| 4 7 126 | 138 168 1368 | 9 5 26-1 |
| 1 246 246 | 7 3 468 | 5 68 9 |
| 5 8 3 | 2 *16 9 | 4 7 *16 |
| 7 469 469 | 18 5 46 | 8-1 2 3 |
| 2 5 7 | 189 189 18 | 6 3 4 |
| 3 1 8 | 6 4 7 | 2 9 5 |
| 69 469 469 | 35 2 35 | 7 1 8 |
# 55 eliminations remain
r25c5 Skyscraper <> 1 r6c7,r13c9
Explanation: If r2c7<>1, then r2c5=1, r5c5<>1, and r5c9=1. Thus, any cell that sees r2c7
and r5c9 can not be "1".
Now, you get to find the Skyscraper in rows 2 & 6 for "1".