help for new person

Advanced methods and approaches for solving Sudoku puzzles

help for new person

Postby Guest » Sun May 29, 2005 12:23 am

I am new at this, have solved about 5 or 6, now am stuck on one that seems VERY HARD to me.


*** *** **9
1*5 2** *6*
78* *5* *2*

**6 *** 8*7
*2* 1*8 *5*
5*8 *** 2**

*4* *3* *85
*5* **7 9*4
9** *** ***

I have gotten this far:

*** *** 5*9
1*5 2** *68
78* *5* *2*

**6 *** 8*7
*2* 1*8 *56
5*8 *** 2**

*4* 93* *85
85* 6*7 9*4
9** *** **2

Any help will be greatly appreciated !!

Postby Animator » Sun May 29, 2005 3:27 pm

Can you do me a favor? Next time you ask for help mention the category aswell... as in, you said that it seems to be a 'Very Hard' puzzle to you, but that's not really usefull...

As in, each category requires some extra logic to be able to solve the puzzle. If one knows the category then techniques can be ignored.

The answer to your problem:

Where can the number 6 go in box 2? Where can it go in box 1? again: where can it go in box 2? If you paid enough attention to box 1 then you can fill it in.
Posts: 469
Joined: 08 April 2005

Postby Guest » Sun May 29, 2005 4:03 pm

I found this on - I used the print function to get a hard copy, and there is no category or any other identification.

If there is a category, I wish I knew how to find out. What are the choices of categories?

After about 20 hours, I went back to work on this, and I found that I had missed 2 "easy" 6's, in box 2 (as you pointed out), which leads to another in box 5. I now have:

*** *** 5*9
1*5 2** *68
78* *56 *2*

**6 *** 8*7
*2* 1*8 *56
5*8 *6* 2**

*4* 93* *85
85* 6*7 9*4
9** *** **2

I haved solved this by trial and error, so I have "the" answer. This is how I discovered I had missed the two "easy" 6's.

I have put the pencil numbers in every square. I am trying hard to see how this can be solved using logic, and I still cannot do it.

Once again, any help will be much appreciated.

Postby Animator » Sun May 29, 2005 4:24 pm

You are missing an easy 9 in box 1 aswell...

Just keep on looking at the numbers... as in, check the possibilities of the number 1, the number 2, ...

Possible categories are very easy, easy, medium, hard and very hard...

I think this is a medium or easy puzzle, but that's just a guess...
Posts: 469
Joined: 08 April 2005

Postby Guest » Sun May 29, 2005 4:45 pm

thank you Animator.

I took another look, and was able to answer my own question. Not surprising, I was looking for the very hard item and missed the easy one.

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