This "moderate" sudoku puzzle is from the June 15, 2006 edition of the Los Angeles Times. I'm a newbie to Sudoku so forgive me if this is too easy.
I've solved the puzzle to this point using "logic". However, I can't seem to continue the puzzle without having to "guess" at the next number. I thought you never had to guess in solving a Sudoku puzzle. Is this a bad Sudoku puzzle or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for the help.
|*|8|3| |5|*|1| |9|*|4|
|9|5|2| |6|8|4| |7|3|1|
|1|*|4| |9|3|*| |5|*|8|
|8|2|6| |7|4|5| |3|1|9|
|4|1|7| |8|9|3| |6|5|2|
|5|3|9| |2|1|6| |8|4|7|
|*|4|8| |1|5|9| |2|7|*|
|*|9|1| |3|6|*| |4|8|5|
|*|*|5| |4|*|8| |1|9|*|