I'd just love to know

PaulIQ164 wrote:Can't say as I've noticed a huge difference really. I'd have to side with 'no', though I don't doubt many will disagree.
Sue De Coq wrote:I'm always a little confused by people who claim to have a strong preference for human-generated puzzles (e.g. Nikoli) over computer-generated puzzles because, given a single puzzle, I've no idea how in a blind test anyone would ascertain how the puzzle had been generated. (Any suggestions from the pro-human camp?)
Sue De Coq wrote:Of course, some puzzles are signed by the author/software but in that case the judgement of the puzzler might have been affected by his prior knowledge and the test would not be rigorous.
Sue De Coq wrote:It would be more interesting to attempt to define the word 'good' with respect to Sudoku puzzles, i.e. to list those characteristics possessed by the 'better' puzzles. Puzzlers who side strongly with one camp ought to be able to explain why their puzzles are so much better.
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