This seems to work fine for getting automorphism counts for a batch of grids:
sudoku -f%v%,#%,%#aC GridList.txt
- Code: Select all
123456789546987123897321546231645897465798231978132465312564978654879312789213654 # 54
123456789546987123897321546231645897465798231789213654312564978654879312978132465 # 18
123456789654879312978132465312564978546987123789213654231645897465798231897321546 # 18
And this command, according to the documentation, is supposed to just count the grids with automorphism counts > 1:
sudoku -e(%#An)>1 -f- -Ff%#an/%n GridList.txt
But this just displays 0/144 (144 is the number of grids in the file).
Can anyone help me out here?