gsf's sudoku solver

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

re: gsf's sudoku solver

Postby Pat » Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:34 am

Serg wrote:I searched for new "sudoku.exe" executable for Windows and didn't find it going by your links

search for "windows executable"

you will find this --
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Re: gsf's sudoku solver

Postby Serg » Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:39 pm

Hi, Pat!
Thank you very much for your help! I've successfully downloaded sudoku.exe for Windows. It works fine!

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How Do I use GSF Sudoku Solver?

Postby Telkin » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:48 pm

I have just downloaded GSF Sudoku Solver, So I can generate puzzles, How do I use this to generate puzzles, I am using windows but all I see is a command prompt window when I launch it up. I am using Windows. Thank you in advance.
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re: How Do I use GSF Sudoku Solver?

Postby Pat » Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:55 am

Telkin wrote:I have just downloaded GSF Sudoku Solver, so I can generate puzzles

How do I use this to generate puzzles

I am using Windows
all I see is a command prompt window when I launch it up
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Re: re: How Do I use GSF Sudoku Solver?

Postby Telkin » Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:18 am

Pat wrote:
Telkin wrote:I have just downloaded GSF Sudoku Solver, so I can generate puzzles

How do I use this to generate puzzles

I am using Windows
all I see is a command prompt window when I launch it up

I have tried the commands and nothing happens
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Postby Pat » Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:25 am

Telkin wrote:I have tried the commands and nothing happens

the above example assumes you have set up a file specifying the desired layout

layout.TXT — example — 21 cells given (layout 180 of the Patterns Game)

Code: Select all

. O . . . O . . O
O . . . . . . O .
. . O O O . . . .
. . O . . . . O .
. . O . . . . . .
O . . . . O O . .
. . . . . O O . .
. O . O . . . . O
O . . . . . . O .

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Re: gsf's sudoku solver

Postby Telkin » Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:53 am

I have tried the commands sudoku sudoku -gt <C:\Users\(Username)\Desktop\layout.txt >C:\Users\(Username)\Desktop\puzzles.TXT but I get no response
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Postby Pat » Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:52 am

Telkin wrote:I get no response

    the way i wrote the example,
    it just keeps generating puzzles;
    i suppose you stopped it eventually (e.g. Ctrl-C)
    — did you look at the contents of puzzles.TXT ?

    or you could add an option restricting the number of puzzles —

      sudoku -gt -n20 <Layout.TXT >Puzzles.TXT
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Re: How Do I use GSF Sudoku Solver?

Postby ronk » Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:40 pm

Telkin[img] wrote:I am using windows but all I see is a command prompt window when I launch it up. I am using Windows. Thank you in advance.

How are you getting the "command prompt window?" Double-clicking on sudoku.exe in the explorer window won't work. You have to first separately launch the Command Prompt window.
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Re: gsf's sudoku solver

Postby eleven » Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:44 pm


under windows i make batch files to use gsf's program. You then just can double click on them in the explorer to start it.

For Pat's example you can start notepad (click start and enter "notepad") and copy Pat's pattern there. Then save it in the directory, where you have gsf's sudoku.exe as layout.txt.

Open a new notepad and copy there:

sudoku -gt < layout.txt > generated.txt

Save this as generate.bat in the same directory.

Then go to this directory in the explainer and double click on this generate.bat. (With a right click you can select to change it)
A black cmd.exe window (the same you get when you click start and enter "cmd") will pop up saying:
<path>\sudoku -gt 0<layout.txt 1>generated.txt

After some minutes you can find generated puzzles, when you open generated.txt in this directory.

You stop it by typing CTRL+C into the cmd window - or just close the window.

Note, that in the batch files you have to type a double % sign instead of a single one directly from the command line.
E.g. to canonicalize a list of puzzles instead of
sudoku -qFN -f%#0c %#0v "%i" puzzles.txt > canonicalized.txt
write into the batch file (say canonicalize.bat)
sudoku -qFN -f%%#0c %%#0v "%%i" puzzles.txt > canonicalized.txt
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Re: gsf's sudoku solver

Postby Telkin » Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:12 pm

eleven wrote:Telkin,

under windows i make batch files to use gsf's program. You then just can double click on them in the explorer to start it.

For Pat's example you can start notepad (click start and enter "notepad") and copy Pat's pattern there. Then save it in the directory, where you have gsf's sudoku.exe as layout.txt.

Open a new notepad and copy there:

sudoku -gt < layout.txt > generated.txt

Save this as generate.bat in the same directory.

Then go to this directory in the explainer and double click on this generate.bat. (With a right click you can select to change it)
A black cmd.exe window (the same you get when you click start and enter "cmd") will pop up saying:
<path>\sudoku -gt 0<layout.txt 1>generated.txt

After some minutes you can find generated puzzles, when you open generated.txt in this directory.

You stop it by typing CTRL+C into the cmd window - or just close the window.

Note, that in the batch files you have to type a double % sign instead of a single one directly from the command line.
E.g. to canonicalize a list of puzzles instead of
sudoku -qFN -f%#0c %#0v "%i" puzzles.txt > canonicalized.txt
write into the batch file (say canonicalize.bat)
sudoku -qFN -f%%#0c %%#0v "%%i" puzzles.txt > canonicalized.txt

I have just tried some of gsf's other commands with no success, but thank you for this, I am now able to generate puzzles of different parameters, but would also like to generate puzzles for the hardest sudoku thread, how would I do this.
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re: gsf's sudoku solver

Postby Pat » Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:53 pm

Pat wrote:
JasonLion wrote:I can host the file here if someone sends it to me.

okay here it is (attached)
version = 2011 Nov 11
(155.53 KiB) Downloaded 561 times
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Re: gsf's sudoku solver

Postby JasonLion » Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:13 pm - GSF sudoku executable for Windows command line dated Jan 8, 2012
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Re: gsf's sudoku solver

Postby dukuso2 » Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:15 am

I remember we had a micro-sd circulating by snail-mail
with the code and all the data
(when was that, maybe I search it later)
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Re: gsf's sudoku solver

Postby GouinJP » Thu Nov 28, 2013 1:34 pm

dukuso2 wrote:I remember we had a micro-sd circulating by snail-mail
with the code and all the data
(when was that, maybe I search it later)


It would be a better idea to send a DVD with all the 5472730538 essentially different solution grids because the micro-sd contains all .sudz files, not extracted.

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