For reference, please see
A Graeco-Latin square (GLS) is one which contains TWO sets of symbols in each cell, where no row or column contains any symbol more than one, and yet every particular combination of symbols is represented in a cell (This can also be stated as 'no particular pairing of symbols is allowed to be repeated thoughout the puzzle).
For example, the following is a GLS of order 5 (or 5x5):
A1 B4 C2 D5 E3
B2 C5 D3 E1 A4
C3 D1 E4 A2 B5
D4 E2 A5 B3 C1
E5 A3 B1 C4 D2
Note that A-E appears one in each row and column, and so does 1-5, but A1 and B4 only appears once altogether.
The challenge: Create a 9x9 "Graeco-Latin Soduku" where each group of symbols respect all of the rules of Soduku, including the 3x3 box rule {For consistency, please use 1-9 as one group, and ABCDEFGHJ (skipped 'I' to avoid confusion with '1') as the other}, and no particular pairing of symbols to be repeated anywhere in the puzzle.
I have no I idea if this is even possible.