Hey Jasper32- I have to say thanks for posting this. It turned out to be a far more interesting puzzle than I thought on first glance- a nice challenge. Starting from the posted grid, pretty much, basic groups, ALSs (no nets) and a couple of final loops finished it off.
1. grp(2)r123c7=r7c7-(2=3)r7c3-(3=1)r6c3-r3c3=(1)r3c8 => r3c8<>2
2. (3=2)r7c3-(2=4)r7c7-r9c8=(4)r9c2 => r9c2<>3
3. (1=7)r2c2-(7=4)r9c2-r9c8=(4-6)r3c8=grp(6)r13c8-als(6=27)r3c57-(2)r3c3=(2)r2c1 => r2c1<>1 -> r8c1=1 -> r8c23<>1 -> linebox(6)r45c1: r5c3<>6
4. (7=9)r5c3-(9=6)r4c1-r5c1=r5c7-(6)r3c7=hp(16)r3c38 => r3c3<>7
5. als(7=28)r8c89-(2=4)r7c7-r4c7=(4-6)r4c8=grp(6)r13c8-als(6=27)r3c57-(2)r3c3=(2-7)r2c1=grp(7)r12c2 => r8c2<>7
6. (5=9)r6c5-r6c9=(9-8)r1c9=r8c9-als(8=59)r28c6 => r5c6<>5
7. (5)r1c8=grp(5)r1c45-r2c6=r8c6-(5=6)r8c2-r8c3=r3c3-(6=1)r3c8-als(1=25)r26c8-loop => r3c7<>6, r8c4<>5
-> np(27)r3c57:r3c3<>2 -> r2c1=2 -> xw(6)c17r45: r4c8<>6=4 -> r9c2=4 -> r7c7=4 -> linebox(2)r123c7: r2c7<>2, r1c9<>2
8. (5)r8c6=r2c6-(5=1)r2c8-(1=7)r2c2-(7=6)r1c2-(6=5)r8c2-loop => r2c7<>5 -> r5c7=5, r6c5=5
(edit: turns out that my previous step 4 for was subsumed by a linebox elim in step 3 -> r5c3<>6 thanks to sharp-eyed Luke. )