Genuine opinion and website review

Sudoku puzzles, off-site games and other resources on the Internet

Genuine opinion and website review

Postby sudoku2 » Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:55 pm

HI all,

My first post here, I really appreciate this forum and the level of engagement and knowledge the members here share, keep it going!

I have recently started a little project for myself while trying to escape the 9-5 job lifestyle,
and I developed a sudoku website that I hope will get enough popularity among some player niche and will provide me with some small income from ads or other monetization method.

The website is
and I will appreciate a lot your feedback on the experience there.
How does it feel to play it?
is it comfortable?
Are the digits large enough?
Is the game challenging as it should?

And most important, what can I do to make it better and appeal to more users?

I appreciate your time, thanks in advance!

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Re: Genuine opinion and website review

Postby Hajime » Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:59 am

Hmm, first impression:
- no button to show the remaining candidates.
- new game and choosing Beginner/Easy/Medium/Hard --> nothing happens
- a transparent unreadable message box appears to rate the game (I think)

Not so usable, up to now
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Re: Genuine opinion and website review

Postby sudoku2 » Sun Mar 19, 2023 5:34 pm

Hajime wrote:Hmm, first impression:
- no button to show the remaining candidates.
- new game and choosing Beginner/Easy/Medium/Hard --> nothing happens
- a transparent unreadable message box appears to rate the game (I think)

Not so usable, up to now

Hi Hajime,

Thanks for the honest feedback!
Your last two comments make sense to me but have been fixed a while ago - I made a small update now, would you mind letting me know if the NEW GAME won't work?
Also you should not be getting the survey anymore.

Reg the candidates, what exactly would you like to see? can you give a short example?

Thanks again,
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Re: Genuine opinion and website review

Postby urhegyi » Mon Mar 20, 2023 9:00 am

I checked one of your hard one's, but got a sudoku with multiple solutions:
So what I expect from a hard puzzle is this:
Your same puzzle with three clues added to have a unique solution with this difficulty level.
Code: Select all
Analysis results
Difficulty rating: 4,2
This Sudoku can be solved using the following logical methods:
51 x Hidden Single (1,0-1,5)
1 x Pointing (2,6)
1 x X-Wing (3,2)
1 x Hidden Pair (3,4)
1 x XY-Wing (4,2)
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Re: Genuine opinion and website review

Postby Hajime » Mon Mar 20, 2023 10:37 am

An unsolved cell has some potential candidates.
In the example of urhegyi above cell r2c1 has 1279.
Cell r1c5 has a naked single candidate 2.
I wish a button to show all possible candidates of all unsolved cells.

How do you differentiate between easy, medium and hard?
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Re: Genuine opinion and website review

Postby sudoku2 » Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:55 am

Thanks for all this great feedback.

I fixed the message box and New Game / difficulty - not doing anything - now it should work as expected.
Reg a button to show all candidates - can you give an example of a website that has that feature?
It sounds to me as a sort of "cheat". where Id expect (maybe incorrectly) that players who have hard time finding the candidates themselves, should play an easier difficulty.
please challenge me on this one.

I currently differentiate easy, medium and hard by the amount of reveled cells.

Thanks for your feedback.
You are correct and currently I'm not always producing sudokus that have a single solution.
I'm considering adding this as I understand it makes a huge difference to experienced players.

Thanks for bringing this up!
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Re: Genuine opinion and website review

Postby m_b_metcalf » Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:01 am

sudoku2 wrote:You are correct and currently I'm not always producing sudokus that have a single solution.

A puzzle that has more than one solution is not a valid sudoku puzzle. Full stop. It simply has too few clues and can never be solved using logic only.

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Re: Genuine opinion and website review

Postby sudoku2 » Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:46 am

Hi guys,

Took me more time than I anticipated, but I wanted to let you know that I took
your feedback into consideration and now the Sudokus ae a unique solution always in difficulty levels medium and hard.
and 80% of times at difficulty levels Easy and Beginner.

I also added a Notes feature (I'm not sure if it was available last time I posted here)

Let me know if there's anything else you think can help elevate the experience.

Thanks again!

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Re: Genuine opinion and website review

Postby sudokuvalleyvenusrye » Tue Jul 11, 2023 4:25 pm

That's awesome that you started your own project, and I dig the idea of a sudoku website. Checked it out and gotta admit, it's pretty slick. The digits are totally legible and the game's just challenging enough to keep me engaged. Maybe adding some cool themes or difficulty levels could make it even more groovy and draw more peeps. Keep up the great work.
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Re: Genuine opinion and website review

Postby Hajime » Wed Jul 12, 2023 8:31 am

I played medium and hard puzzles on
I liked it. Also the Notes button to show a candidate (pencil mark).
My hard puzzle needed subsets and pointing/claiming methods.
I still miss the "show all remaining candidates"-button.

AND :cry: the notes are not saved between a pause, stop browser, a resume :!:
AND :| if you undo a faulty clue the notes are not restored :ugeek:
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