gsf wrote:ronk wrote:gsf, shouldn't -gtm.0 -e"uniq(%#mc)" on the template below generate all 44 subgrids

I get only one (using version 20090116).
yes it should
but there is something going on because my latest version (not posted yet) gives a different result from yours but still wrong
its on the todo list ...
found the problem
the subgrid canonicalization algorithm (thanks to Michael Deverin on the programmers' forum a few years back)
has a hard coded internal stack data limit -- I upped that and it works
solver 2010-06-09 posted
there are 2 ways to get the 416 gangsters: list the solver table or make the solver generate it
- Code: Select all
sudoku -gB
sudoku -gtm.0 -e'uniq(%.27#mc)' -f- -Ff%#uD m.dat
this lists the gang of 44 labeled with the lowest 416 gangster member for each 44 class
- Code: Select all
sudoku -gB44
thanks for pointing the generation solution
%.27#mc is a new hook to an older internal algorithm
its a more efficient band canonicalization algorithm and also only lists the first band (27 cells) of the grid
%.54#mc canonicalizes the first 2 bands
-Ff%#uD dumps the uniq() splay tree in order after all processing is done