game 265 - all givens involved in the first placement

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game 265 - all givens involved in the first placement

Postby dobrichev » Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:36 pm

This is a hard (but not extremely hard) puzzle from Patterns game 265.
In order first cell to be resolved, all givens must be taken into account in one or another way.
Such puzzles are very rare.
Code: Select all
1 . .  2 . .  . . 3
. 4 .  . 5 .  . 2 .
. . .  . . .  6 . .

7 . .  . . 8  . 4 .
. 2 .  . 4 .  8 . .
. . .  3 . .  . . 6

. . 3  . 9 .  1 . .
. 9 .  4 . .  . 6 .
6 . .  . . 7  . . 9

Code: Select all
1..2....3.4..5..2.......6..7....8.4..2..4.8.....3....6..3.9.1...9.4...6.6....7..9 ED=9.4/9.4/3.2

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