Format question

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Format question

Postby Pupp » Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:43 pm

Anybody know which format this string is?

0000847b216e 020900000048000031000063020009407003003080200400105600030570000250000180000006050 2.3

I'm trying to figure out if I can import it into my phone's Sudoku app (Sudoku 10'000), but I need the proper file extension in order to check.

It's from a .txt file that Sudoku Explainer can open. I'm trying to see if it's also a particular file extension also.

If I load one of the puzzle dumps, the only puzzle I can do is the very first. Sudoku Explainer doesn't seem to have any way to paging to different puzzles. Kinda make a puzzle dump useless.
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Format question

Postby Yogi » Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:01 pm

I think the first part of the string is some kind of title and I'm not sure what .3, is but if you strip off those bits you get


which is the code for a not-particularly hard 29-clue puzzle that may keep your interest for a while after the initial singles.

Code: Select all

10,000 PRO can import from a number of other solvers, but I've never done it.
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Re: Format question

Postby 1to9only » Sat Jan 08, 2022 8:19 pm

Pupp wrote:Anybody know which format this string is?
0000847b216e 020900000048000031000063020009407003003080200400105600030570000250000180000006050 2.3

Scroll down the web page where you obtained the puzzle, the format is explained there.
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Re: Format question

Postby Pupp » Thu Jan 13, 2022 3:45 pm

I used Windows Powershell to harvest the 81 digits in the middle, and that converted it into an .sdm file.

I really didn't trust the link to a sudoku program I never heard of.
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