1to9only wrote:This puzzle, which I may have taken from the Patterns Game, ran for 7+ minutes, and no solution was forthcoming!!
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When pasting it into SukakuSolver the first hint came up:
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Dynamic Region Forcing Chains
With this solving technique, we will prove the following assertions:
If r1c1 contains the value 4, then r1c1 cannot contain the value 7
If r1c2 contains the value 4, then r1c1 cannot contain the value 7
If r3c3 contains the value 4, then r1c1 cannot contain the value 7
Because the value 4 cannot be placed elsewhere in the block, and the results are the same, we can conclude that r1c1 cannot contain the value 7.
In my implementation in SiSeSuSo (not released yet) with "Forcing Net" (a T&E for 1 depth) I get :
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r1c1=8 --> r5c1 is empty => (-8)r1c1
r1c1=7 --> r5c1 is empty => (-7)r1c1
Conform http://sudopedia.enjoysudoku.com/Forcing_Net.html
My question: Does "Dynamic Region Forcing Chains" and "Forcing Net" lead to the same eliminations?