For C14n....

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Re: Making Grid

Postby gsf » Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:35 pm

Papy wrote:Hi,
before to dispose the clues I make a valid grid

Starting from zero

I fill the row one by one directly with a valid row (I compute all)
When i put the second I control if the celles of the second row is compatible with the cells of the first

123 456 789
987 513 426

is bad because th 5 is two times in the box2
also because youy have 82(C2) and 28(C8) and it's impossible(multiply solutions)
I look from tips for two row or a blocks.
Do you use this kind od detections

you can use any sudoku constraints to validate a partially filled grid
the trick is to pick a constraint set (or maybe vary the constraint set)
to get good performance
Papy wrote:For C14n : looking at the G file it doesn't seem that the grid are from the same familly
C14n is just a calcul on the grids not a specific managements of the cell?

canonicalization may transform the grid via combinations of rotation, row
swap, band swap, and cell value reassignment
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Re: Canon

Postby ronk » Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:59 pm

gsf wrote:c14n is a contractualization like i18n==internationalization and l10n==localization
although this is the first time I've seen c14n

I hadn't noticed a "contractualization" like this before and didn't get it right away even after your explanation. Maybe others too will find this statement helpful.

"Because canonicalization is such a long word, and lacking any readily apparent abbreviation, it is sometimes expressed as C14N, in which 14 represents the number of letters between the C and the N."
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Postby coloin » Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:05 pm


Are you honestly saying that you are generating 17s.......?

- de novo [!]
- starting from scratch

Even if they are on Gordon's list [We think most of them are ] if you are generating them - it is some achievement !

im relying on gsf to explain how you are doing it !

Allez-vous !

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Postby Papy » Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:19 pm

I also try valid set so eacxh time I try e set I verifiy the Box
and the compatibility with the rowss
but in some grids the results is not quick
(There his many of set to try
so I'm moolkings for little tips to eliminate quicly the branch oif the tree
The paires give goods results but perhaps here are others...
Programmers often imagine stranges ways to win!!!

Thanks for the c14n explicatios.But c14n has not a standard form for the gordon file, for example, if we don't know how tjhe file is c14n we have to c14n each time? No?

What do you think about an standard c14n? Therefore all the grids will have only to be compare.Of course tyhe nom will take care of isomorphs
but I think that it's not the more difficult.

My first generation of 17 clues is ended but not controled in the gordobn.
I praid to have news grids....

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Postby gsf » Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:40 pm

Papy wrote:Hi,
I also try valid set so eacxh time I try e set I verifiy the Box
and the compatibility with the rowss
but in some grids the results is not quick
(There his many of set to try
so I'm moolkings for little tips to eliminate quicly the branch oif the tree
The paires give goods results but perhaps here are others...
Programmers often imagine stranges ways to win!!!

look at the DLX solver descriptions or some of the simple bitmask
solvers posted on the programmer's forum
I posted a 166 line readable one and a 21 line obfuscated one in C there
Papy wrote:Thanks for the c14n explicatios.But c14n has not a standard form for the gordon file, for example, if we don't know how tjhe file is c14n we have to c14n each time? No?

this was outlined in an earlier message:
devise a canonical form
convert the catalog (e.g., gordon's 17's) to canonical form once
then canonicalize each new puzzle and look for it in the canonicalized catalog
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Postby Papy » Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:53 am

gsf wrote

Code: Select all
ook at the DLX solver descriptions or some of the simple bitmask
solvers posted on the programmer's forum
I posted a 166 line readable one and a 21 line obfuscated one in C there

Where is the programmer forum ??????
My questions are often for programmers ?

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Re: Programer

Postby tarek » Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:58 am

Papy wrote:Where is the programmer forum ??????
My questions are often for programmers ?

here is the link:
you would have got there also if you serched for "Sudoku programmers forum" on google:idea:

Don't forget to update us here with what you've reached so far.........

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Dont wary

Postby Papy » Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:12 am

Hi, no problrm
I continue to come on the forum
It's rich!
And the eye of the playersd are sometimes different fromthe eyes of the programmer and the richess of the human is theyre diferences!

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