Five Loaves of Bread

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Five Loaves of Bread

Postby rjamil » Fri Dec 20, 2019 8:49 pm

Two travelers sat together on the way to their destination to have a meal. One had five loaves of bread. The other had three. A third traveler was passing by and at the request of the two joined in the meal.

The travelers cut each of the loaf of bread in three equal parts. Each of the travelers ate eight broken pieces of the loaf.

At the time of leaving the third traveler took out $8 and gave to the first two men who had offered him the meal, and went away. On receiving the money the two travelers started quarrelling as to who should have how much of the money.

The five loaf man demanded $5. The three loaf man insisted on dividing the money in two equal parts.

Find the exact shares in money of five loaves man and three loaves man?
Posts: 810
Joined: 15 October 2014
Location: Karachi, Pakistan

Re: Five Loaves of Bread

Postby RSW » Mon Jan 06, 2020 11:21 am

The 5 loaf man should get $7 and the 3 loaf man should get $1.
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Re: Five Loaves of Bread

Postby rjamil » Mon Jan 06, 2020 12:55 pm



Actually, the riddle is based on true story and the dispute was brought to the judge at that time to be decided.

The judge requested the three-loaf-man to accept $3. The man refused and said that he would take only $4. At this judge returned, “You can have only $1. You had eight loaves between yourselves. each loaf was broken in three parts.

Therefore, you had 24 equal parts. Your three loaves made nine parts out of which you have eaten eight portions, leaving just one to the third traveler. Your friend had five loaves which divided into three made fifteen pieces. He ate eight pieces and gave seven pieces to the guest. As such the guest shared one part from your loaves and seven from those of your friend. So you should get $1 and your friend should receive $7.

R. Jamil
There is something interesting about every number.

After all, 1 is the first nonzero natural number; 2 is the smallest prime number; 3 is the first odd prime number; 4 is the smallest composite number; etc. And when you finally reach a number that seems not to have anything interesting about it, then that number is interesting by virtue of being the first number that is not interesting.
Posts: 810
Joined: 15 October 2014
Location: Karachi, Pakistan

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