fighting again puzzles having the SK loop

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Postby champagne » Fri May 30, 2008 2:03 pm

StrmCkr wrote:when i learn how to post stuff more clearly i'll attempt to indicate how i came to the deductions u have reached. (as some what vagly expressed above bye my self..)

I know it's not easy. I opened my website mainly to overcome that difficulty. But if you feel confortable with what I have posted, and if we follow more or less the same path, it's not necessary to do more.

StrmCkr wrote:i am using layers as well to indicate the invalid sequences of senarios as well..

In your puzzle, showing the layers inside the SK loop gives an immediate synthetic view of links.

StrmCkr wrote:to simplify the number of scenarios . . . im sure thats not much help... but its how i did it.

At least it is enough to understand that you could do it without help of a solver.
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