SteveG48 wrote:- Code: Select all
| 4 TU13 T26 | 7 T23 5 | 6-1 8 9 |
| 5 9 38 | 6 38 1 | 2 7 4 |
| 168 78-1 267 | 9 28 4 | 16 3 5 |
| 18 5 189 | 3 79 6 | 4 2 17 |
| 36 U37 S67 | 4 1 2 | 9 5 8 |
| 2 4-1 149 | 5 79 8 | 3 6 17 |
| 13 6 13 | 8 4 7 | 5 9 2 |
| 9 48 48 | 2 5 3 | 7 1 6 |
| 7 2 5 | 1 6 9 | 8 4 3 |
Stem [67]r5c3
Petal T: [1236]r1c235 (locked by stem 6)
Petal U: [137]r15c2 (locked by stem 7) => -1 r1c7,r36c2 ; stte
Bat, Steve's original post was not AIC (Eureka).
Notated in AIC it would be something like
So either 123 is in r1c235, implying 1r1c2 (and 3r1c5, 2r1c3), or 13 in r15c2, implying 1r1c2 (and 3r5c2) too.
This is the long version of the same:
My suggested ABX notation:
A=r5c2, B=r5c3, X=r1c2
A<>7: r5c2=3->r1c2=1
B<>7: r5c3=6->r1c3=2->r1c5=3->r1c2=1
If you inverse the first line (A=>B is equivalent to (not B) => (not A)), you get
r1c2<>1 => r5c2<>3 => A=7, this implies
B<>7 => r5c3=6->r1c3=2->r1c5=3->r1c2=1
Written as AIC:
So you get the same, just read from right to left.
So we have the same logic in 4 notations.