expanding sudoku horizons for "beginners"

Advanced methods and approaches for solving Sudoku puzzles

expanding sudoku horizons for "beginners"

Postby LeiSuLin » Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:10 pm

Being a beginner (relative to the stratospheric level of the contributors in the forum on advanced solving strategies), I still have advanced to the level of being able to use all the basic techniques including XY-wing, XYZ-wing, simpler fish patterns, turbot fish, single and multi-coloring, uniqueness tests, and some of the simpler forms of chains and loops.

My question for those folks beyond that level is: which of the techniques offered in the sudopedia beyond the stated level would be most beneficial to learn to use in getting to the "next level"? Advancing my understanding of the many facets of fish? Almost Locked Sets? Other?

I appreciate any advice you can offer.
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Joined: 16 October 2008

Postby StrmCkr » Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:27 pm

i would start with easier to follow and understand
single digit patterns.

for starters the following are very releavent in many puzzles
i recommend learning these for more advanced x-wings.

variations of fish patterns ie. "x-wings"

smashi, franken, mutant


skyscrappers and 2 string kytes.
Empty rectangles

once you learn these move into the next step of jellies fish + variations

from here:
more advance patterns utilize the foundation of the above to make reductions.

in order of difficulty:

remote pairs:

APE (alinged pair exclusion) and Aligned triplet exclusion (these are similar to xy patterns)

Als patterns.
ie. "death blossoms." (these combine als sets to identify a restriction in an intersection.

als x-y:

su de cogs: {combined set limitations}.

more advanced uniqueness tests:

bi valve universal gaves and bug +1
muti vavle universal graves: {mug}

Ur: types 1-6
Almost Uniques rectangles.

if you want links to relevant threads or topics to find the above let me know, ill post links or im sure some others will as well.
Some do, some teach, the rest look it up.
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