Exotic patterns a resume

Advanced methods and approaches for solving Sudoku puzzles

Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby ronk » Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:58 pm

daj95376 wrote:Hmmm. My analyzer didn't find the <3457> pattern. It may have been blocked by finding the <1268> pattern. Something to check.

Perhaps because it's a 5 digit fish <34579> instead of 4. However, there are 19 base units instead of 20.
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby daj95376 » Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:27 pm

ronk wrote:Perhaps because it's a 5 digit fish <34579> instead of 4. However, there are 19 base units instead of 20.

Aaaaagh!!! I missed the (clearly shown) additional Truth set. Thanks for saving me a lot of review work. FWIW: I only check for 2/3/4-template patterns with my analyzer. My solver has the capability to resolve 2/3/4/5/6/7-template patterns; but, that's overkill since (I think) eleven said that 5-template patterns are the max.

Have you found Multi-Fish in any of the remaining 26 puzzles in file "03 NN ..."? If so, then no need for me to continue searching.

Regards, Danny
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby ronk » Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:51 pm

daj95376 wrote:Have you found Multi-Fish in any of the remaining 26 puzzles in file "03 NN ..."? If so, then no need for me to continue searching.

Including the one we've just discussed, I've noted these:

Code: Select all
1....6.......8.2....97....5.3.9....4..5....9.....2.1....4.....7.9.3...4.8.....6.. ;1582;elev;567;0-rank 19T 5-dig 4-row-fish
.......8....1.9..66...2...4.7...8.9.5..........4.3...73.2.....5..5.6.3...1.....7. ;3218;elev;997;0-rank 18T 4-dig 5-col fish with box cover
....5...94..1..2.......7... ;4971;elev;1943;0-rank 15T 5-dig 4-row fish
........9..71...6.....3.1.42..6...1...5.......8...43..5......2.6.17......9...8... ;1690;elev;301;0-rank 15T 4-dig 4-col fish
.2...67..4...8......9.....1..1.....8...2..6...6...3.5......5.2..7.6..3..9...4.... ;4582;elev;2279;0-rank 14T 4-dig 5-row fish
1...5......7..9..6.983.......67....8.8.......5...4..2.....3.1...3.9....7.....2.4. ;3173;elev;1405;0-rank 15T 4-dig 4-col fish
...4..7..4...8...6..9..2.......3...83..8..4...18....5..9.....1.7..6....3..2..5... ;2926;elev;L294;0-rank 18T 5-dig 4-row fish

1..4..7....7.8...6.9.......2..3......4...71....5.4..2..3.9..4......6...8..2....5. ;7417;elev;H193; (listed fish was bogus)

Think I looked at all the puzzles in this file, but might have easily missed something.

[edits: 1) add puzzle #1690; 2) ; #1690 was 19T 5-dig 4-row; commented #7417, listed fish was actually #1690 again]
Last edited by ronk on Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby pjb » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:22 am

When I examined out of interest how my newly created multi-fish implementation (here) handled the '03 NN nothing special hard' set of puzzles, I was surprised how my results differed from those posted above by Ronk. I found 8 with a muli-fish pattern, but they were quite different. Not counting #1690, I have 3 not in Ronk's list and failed to find 3 of his. Even the ones in both lists have different solutions. I only look for row truths, since it seems to me that in these simple row-column multi-fishes there is always a complementary column solution and vice versa. My results are:

Code: Select all
1....6.......8.2....97....5.3.9....4..5....9.....2.1....4.....7.9.3...4.8.....6.. ;1582;elev;567;0-rank 20T 4-dig  5-row-fish
.......8....1.9..66...2...4.7...8.9.5..........4.3...73.2.....5..5.6.3...1.....7. ;3218;elev;997; -
....5...94..1..2.......7... ;4971;elev;1943; -
........9..71...6.....3.1.42..6...1...5.......8...43..5......2.6.17......9...8... ;1690;elev;301;0-rank 19T 4-dig  5-row fish
1..4..7....7.8...6.9.......2..3......4...71....5.4..2..3.9..4......6...8..2....5. ;7417;elev;H193; -
.2...67..4...8......9.....1..1.....8...2..6...6...3.5......5.2..7.6..3..9...4.... ;4582;elev;2279;0-rank 20T 4-dig  5-row fish
1...5......7..9..6.983.......67....8.8.......5...4..2.....3.1...3.9....7.....2.4. ;3173;elev;1405;0-rank 19T 4-dig  5-row fish
...4..7..4...8...6..9..2.......3...83..8..4...18....5..9.....1.7..6....3..2..5... ;2926;elev;L294;0-rank 20T 4-dig  5-row fish

98.7.....7...8.6....5..4...6..3..9...9.....2...4..1..6.3.8..7.......2.1.........5;227;GP;H29;0-rank 15T 4-dig  4-row fish
.....6.8.4..7....3.9..3.....1..4...73..1.......8..52...3.9....4......5....2....6.;4891;elev;1905;0-rank 20T 4-dig  5-row fish
.......89.5.1.....6....31...7...16......9..2...8.....4..4.2....7..5..3...6...7...;3329;elev;991;0-rank 20T 4-dig  5-row fish
........9..71...6.....3.1.42..6...1...5.......8...43..5......2.6.17......9...8...;1690;elev;301;0-rank 19T 4-dig 5-row fish

This just goes to show that there is more than one way to skin a cat!
Last edited by pjb on Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby champagne » Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:20 am

pjb wrote:When I examined out of interest how my newly created multi-fish implementation (here) handled the '03 NN nothing special hard' set of puzzles, I was surprised how my results differed from those posted above by Ronk. I found 8 with a muli-fish pattern, but they were quite different. Not counting #1690, I have 3 not in Ronk's list and failed to find 3 of his. Even the ones in both lists have different solutions. I only look for row truths, since it seems to me that in these simple row-column multi-fishes there is always a complementary column solution and vice versa. My results are:

This just goes to show that there is more than one way to skin a cat!

I did the same using my last code.
This is a code just activated for the 4 digit pattern and not yet in use (I did not make the regression test so far)

I found 10 puzzles with a multi_fish pattern and missed the 2 above in ronk's list

I'll study later the results

Hidden Text: Show
.......8....1.9..66...2...4.7...8.9.5..........4.3...73.2.....5..5.6.3...1.....7. ;3218;elev;997;0-rank 18T 4-dig 5-col fish with box cover
1..4..7....7.8...6.9.......2..3......4...71....5.4..2..3.9..4......6...8..2....5. ;7417;elev;H193;0-rank 15T 4-dig 4-row fishx

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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby champagne » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:59 pm

Here the list of puzzles where multi_fish has been found.

I had not yet the time to check in detail the results, but from that file, all have a row and a columns based SLG

Hidden Text: Show

[ronk-moderator edit: To retain some mystery for players, base digits deleted.]
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby champagne » Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:57 pm


the list of puzzles with truths/links found by my solver;

Compared to ronk's list
puzzle 3218 is missing likely due to a pattern not seen by my solver
puzzle 7417 is missing for an unknown reason

puzzle 3173 from pjb's list is missing likely for the same reason as for puzzle 7417

I am not sure to have the time to go deeper the next three days

Hidden Text: Show
20 Truths = {1R34578 2R34578 6R34578 8R34578 }
20 Links = {1c56 2c16 6c15 8c67 3n28 4n38 5n249 7n248 8n39 }
20 Truths = {1C23489 2C23489 6C23489 8C23489 }
20 Links = {1r29 2r19 6r26 8r16 3n28 4n38 5n249 7n248 8n39 }

15 Truths = {1R1247 2R1247 4R147 5R1247 }
15 Links = {1c39 2c39 4c89 5c68 1n57 2n4 4n25 7n15 }
19 Truths = {1C12457 2C12457 4C1457 5C12457 }
19 Links = {1r359 2r369 4r589 5r568 1n57 2n4 4n25 7n15 }

19 Truths = {3R2489 5R24589 7R24589 9R24589 }
19 Links = {3c568 5c269 7c589 9c268 2n3 4n4 5n7 8n347 9n1 }
15 Truths = {3C347 5C1347 7C1347 9C1347 }
15 Links = {3r13 5r36 7r17 9r36 2n3 4n4 5n7 8n347 9n1 }

20 Truths = {2R23457 5R23457 6R23457 8R23457 }
20 Links = {2c68 5c38 6c37 8c67 2n25 3n149 4n14 5n259 7n15 }
20 Truths = {2C12459 5C12459 6C12459 8C12459 }
20 Links = {2r18 5r19 6r68 8r89 2n25 3n149 4n14 5n259 7n15 }

20 Truths = {2R23489 4R23489 8R23489 9R23489 }
20 Links = {2c39 4c58 8c59 9c38 2n167 3n24 4n14 8n26 9n147 }
20 Truths = {2C12467 4C12467 8C12467 9C12467 }
20 Links = {2r16 4r15 8r57 9r67 2n167 3n24 4n14 8n26 9n147 }

19 Truths = {2R24679 4R24679 5R2479 9R24679 }
19 Links = {2c168 4c168 5c246 9c246 2n7 4n5 6n3 7n357 9n9 }
15 Truths = {2C3579 4C3579 5C359 9C3579 }
15 Links = {2r35 4r35 5r18 9r18 2n7 4n5 6n3 7n357 9n9 }

19 Truths = {3R24578 4R24578 8R2458 9R24578 }
19 Links = {3c269 4c257 8c579 9c567 2n1 4n3 5n148 7n4 8n8 }
15 Truths = {3C1348 4C1348 8C148 9C1348 }
15 Links = {3r19 4r19 8r13 9r36 2n1 4n3 5n148 7n4 8n8 }

20 Truths = {1R15678 4R15678 8R15678 9R15678 }
20 Links = {1c15 4c39 8c13 9c59 1n48 5n268 6n47 7n247 8n68 }
20 Truths = {1C24678 4C24678 8C24678 9C24678 }
20 Links = {1r29 4r34 8r39 9r24 1n48 5n268 6n47 7n247 8n68 }

19 Truths = {1R23458 2R23458 4R23458 5R3458 }
19 Links = {1c568 2c157 4c167 5c678 2n4 3n9 4n2 5n349 8n3 }
15 Truths = {1C2349 2C2349 4C2349 5C349 }
15 Links = {1r69 2r17 4r17 5r79 2n4 3n9 4n2 5n349 8n3 }

20 Truths = {1R12458 2R12458 5R12458 9R12458 }
20 Links = {1c36 2c28 5c23 9c68 1n159 2n47 4n147 5n59 8n57 }
20 Truths = {1C14579 2C14579 5C14579 9C14579 }
20 Links = {1r39 2r67 5r37 9r69 1n159 2n47 4n147 5n59 8n57 }
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby ronk » Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:34 pm

champagne, I'm happy to see your truth\link data in the xsudo format, :)

... but what happened to the plan to "retain some mystery for players?" :o :(
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby champagne » Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:08 am

ronk wrote: I'm happy to see your truth\link data in the xsudo format,

as you can see, even discouraging comments ( dyslexia !!) can be taken positively.
An I am glad to learn that now it's ok for direct pasting in XSUDO

ronk wrote:
... but what happened to the plan to "retain some mystery for players?"

I have seen that comment. My understanding has been that something in my post was a source of trouble for a quick reading.

May be the reason is that I am very far from your view regarding the current the situatio(n, although I gave the solution of my solver in hidden mode.)

For me we are at the following point.

Three of us tested the same file, at least 2 with a program.

We see significant deviations in the results, which means for the programs either a lack of design or bugs in the code.

I consider that exchanging the results is a huge plus to improve the coding.

I did not yet dig in the results and will not do it before next Friday, but I am sure I would appreciate to have at that time the results where my solver fresh code failed. This saves a lot of time.

Players have the possibility to keep the hidden part of the post hidden,
but our work is also the source of sample files in which they can look.

At the end, we should find a way to be positive for everybody.
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby David P Bird » Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:34 am

Solving manually, the difficulty with these multi-fish is identifying the digit set to use. Sometimes they stand out but at others they can be tough. With I'm practice I'm getting better at this, but I'm far from having developed a foolproof algorithm.

Remembering that I'm just concerned with how may times a cell is covered (by row and column) and using a colouring scheme to show this, here's more or less what I do:

Identify a "makeweight" digit as being one that occurs most frequently as a given, and often has been solved somewhere in the preliminary eliminations.

The objective is to partition the 8 remaining digits into sets where their givens frequently occur as peers in the same rows and columns. In some case this can be quite straightforward, but when there are several compromise options available it's useful to break down the search into sub-stages.

First look for rectangles of givens composed of two digits as these are almost certain to be in the same partition. If there are two such rectangles, try using the four digits together as one partition.

Failing that, start with 3 digits which have a good peer count and cover the rows and columns containing their givens. Now consider which of the remaining digits can be most fruitfully added to that set so that 9 rows and columns in total will cover as many of their givens as possible.

Assuming a good compromise has been reached check to see if a balance has been reached. Here the multi-fish methods used diverge:
For the truth and link set approach I believe this would involve forming truth sets for one row/column direction and counting the link sets needed to complete the coverage.
For the Shark approach, when 9 rows and columns have been covered, the minimum number of truths that must be in the doubly covered cells must equal the maximum number of truths that can be held in the completely uncovered cells. (When the row/column count, T, doesn't equal 9. the formula to balance is Min = Max - N*(9-T) where N is the number of digits in the set.)

If a balance has been achieved then a multi-fish has been found, if not, add the makeweight digit to the digit set and re-check. If this balances the complementary 5 digit Multifish has been found.

Using this method I've manually found multi-fish for all the puzzles listed except for 3218 which is still defeating me. Other than that, the toughest one was 3173.

I'm still working through those where no multi-fish has been found so far. Four of the five I've tried up to now I would class as Almost patterns as their balances are out by just one.
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby ronk » Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:23 am

champagne wrote:Three of us tested the same file, at least 2 with a program.

We see significant deviations in the results, which means for the programs either a lack of design or bugs in the code.

I consider that exchanging the results is a huge plus to improve the coding.

I have no program but use Xsudo which, as stated before I think, sometimes helps and sometimes doesn't. For the 12 puzzles under discussion, Xsudo and I found a 0-rank multi-fish for all without knowing the truth\link sets or even the base digits. Before pjb's and your posts, I only had 8 of the 12.

According to the most recent posts, you have fish for #1263 and #4971 where pjb does not. I will post the fish for #3218 and #7417, which neither of you seem to have, at some unknown future date.

champagne wrote:I am glad to learn that now it's ok for direct pasting in XSUDO

As the software writer, didn't you test this yourself?

champagne wrote:as you can see, even discouraging comments ( dyslexia !!) can be taken positively.

Since I wrote "Dyslexia? :) ", with a question mark and a smiley face, your "dyslexia!!" is deceptive IMO but, since you brought it up, would you please write a response that would have been acceptable to you?
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby ronk » Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:28 pm

David P Bird wrote:Using this method I've manually found multi-fish for all the puzzles listed except for 3218 which is still defeating me. Other than that, the toughest one was 3173.

David, good show! Please post your multi-fish for #7417. champagne and pjb apparently have not found this one yet.
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby daj95376 » Wed Jul 18, 2012 3:57 pm

I would like to thank champagne for his recent post of solutions. It saved me from beating my head against the wall trying to take my Template Analyzer results and derive Multi-Fish from it. I was able to find solutions for many of the puzzles listed by others, but there were several that weren't successful. Thanks to one of champagne's solutions, I was able to determine that my approach used an over-constrained premise that prevented the Multi-Fish in these additional puzzles from being found. Oh Well, it was fun trying.

Regards, Danny


For the record, my screwed up approach found Multi-Fish for these puzzles:

Hidden Text: Show
Code: Select all
 # 1582;elev;567;11.30;1.20;1.20;914    champagne, pjb, ronk, dpb
 # 227;GP;H29;11.50;1.20;1.20;858       champagne, pjb,       dpb
 # 4891;elev;1905;11.10;1.20;1.20;734   champagne, pjb,       dpb
 # 3329;elev;991;11.20;1.20;1.20;713    champagne, pjb,       dpb
 # 1263;elev;510;11.30;1.20;1.20;670    champagne,            dpb
 # 4582;elev;2279;11.10;1.20;1.20;529   champagne, pjb, ronk, dpb
 # 3173;elev;1405;11.20;1.20;1.20;519   champagne, pjb, ronk, dpb
 # 2926;elev;L294;11.20;1.20;1.20;506   champagne, pjb, ronk, dpb
Last edited by daj95376 on Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby David P Bird » Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:50 pm

ronk wrote:David, good show! Please post your multi-fish for #7417. champagne and pjb apparently have not found this one yet.

Not have I! Somehow I didn't add a "solved" tag for it in my list. When I saw your post I thought I'd just polish it off, but it didn't succumb to my methods.

Here's a list of those that I've found, plus the first four that that I class as Almost Sharks. Be warned, this list shows the digit sets and the cover houses used for each puzzle.
Hidden Text: Show
1582 (1268)Shark:r1269,c1567 21 Candidates 17 Cells
3218 (1789)Shark:r12459,c2468 23 Candidates 16 Cells
227 (1245)Shark:r35689,c3689 19 Candidates 14 Cells
4971 (3579)Shark:r1367,c25689 21 Candidates 14 Cells
4891 (2568)Shark:r1689,c3678 23 Candidates 16 Cells
3329 (2489)Shark:r1567,c3589 18 Candidates 15 Cells
1263 (2459)Shark:r1358,c12468 15 Candidates 10 Cells
1690 (3489)Shark:r1369,c25679 15 Candidates 12 Cells
4582 (1489)Shark:r2349,c1359 16 Candidates 12 Cells
3173 (1245)Shark:r1679,c15678 17 Candidates 12 Cells
2926 (1259)Shark:r3679,c2368 17 Candidates 14 Cells
Almost Sharks
243* (2345)AShark:r1356,c24678 18 Candidates 14 Cells
4024* (3459)AShark:r1256,c2346,b9 13 Candidates 10 Cells
35* (1234)AShark:r4689,c25689,b 18 Candidates 13 Cells
620* (1248)AShark:r4589,c23479 20 Candidates 15 Cells
2780* (2457)AShark:r23568,c1579 20 Candidates 15 Cells
4993* (1578)AShark:r23467,c1368 22 Candidates 14 Cells
1210* (1236)AShark:r25689,c4589 19 Candidates 14 Cells
1102* (1567)AShark:r12579,c1268 23 Candidates 15 Cells
889* (2674)AShark:r2567,c34589 24 Candidates 16 Cells
10216* (45789)AShark:r1247,c1247 18 Candidates 14 Cells
2051* (1346)AShark:r2379,c1278,b5 16 Candidates 12 Cells
14596* (1236)AShark:r25689,c4589 15 Candidates 10 Cells
1362* (2478)AShark:r3578,c1678 21 Candidates 14 Cells
Almost Almost Sharks
7417** (1349)AAShark:r13457,c1247 19 Candidates 14 Cells
3909** (1579)AAShark:r1678,c1567 32 Candidates 21 Cells
3411 Fail

[Edit] The hidden text has been revised to show my results for the full set of puzzles. 13 of the 16 puzzles with no Multifish have Almost Sharks.
Last edited by David P Bird on Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Exotic patterns a resume

Postby champagne » Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:42 am

waking up early this morning, I have small time to analyse the situation.

I restarted from the list published in the "hardest new thread" (same content as 03 NN but sorted differently)

in that list, puzzle 7417 is said to have nearly no chance to give a multi-fish pattern.

In fact, my solver finds no floor group of size 4 or 5 leading to eliminations (danny should have the same results in template search)
So my solver did not try to build a multi-fish in that case

It will be very very interesting to see ronk's findings for that puzzle.

Another interesting point is that, as expected, nearly all the bottom part of the list can now be erased.

The best chances to find new multi fish in that group are
puzzle 1690
puzzles 12120
puzzle 4993

and may be also puzzles 1102 14596 3909 and 35

after the next update of the data base of potential hardest, I'll work on a new list but puzzles 4024 3411 889 7417(????) 1362 have high chances to stay there.
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