Hi domp, as you were the target for this thread, thanks for replying.
As far as the first puzzle is concerned, there is an Exocet. Andrew Stuart and Phil Beeby both miss this case. In David P bird's Compendium AFAIK he appears to describe it as a JE+ in document 1 and gives a worked example in document no 6. He appears to describe the non-base digit as simply a locked (ie exactly 2 in the row or column) between the two Q cells and/or the R cells in the potential patterns. There does not seem to be any further terminology for this digit, so the use of the term "placeholder" in the other thread seems be as good as anything else. It's a pity that David did not see the need to give this some terminology, so that we could all be on the same page, for this quite common occurrence.
........1..2..3.4..4..5.6.....7..4...1..8...69....185...3..2....8.....6.7.19..... (1224 nothing) base c9r46 target r3c8 r8c7
.....1..2....3..45..6...7...5..2..1..6...5..38..7..5...7.8..9..6.8.9....9.5..4... (2239 nothing) base c2r89 target r3c1 r6c3
- Code: Select all
| 3568 35679 56789 | 2468 24679 46789 | 23579 23789 1 |
| 1568 5679 2 | 168 1679 3 | 579 4 5789 |
S|*138 4 789 | 128 5 789 | 6 t23789 23789 |
| 23568 2356 568 | 7 2369 569 | 4 1239 B239 |
S|*2345 1 457 |*2345 8 459 | 2379 2379 6 |
| 9 2367 467 | 2346 2346 1 | 8 5 B237 |
| 456 569 3 | 14568 1467 2 | 1579 1789 45789 |
S| 245 8 459 |*1345 *1347 457 |T123579 6 234579 |
| 7 256 1 | 9 346 4568 | 235 238 23458 |
To make a long story short, my solver did not find the Exocet you described in the first puzzle.
Here is the short answer. It looks to me that digit 3 fails the line covering test. Ie you can't cover all the 3's in the S cells (marked with *) with exactly 2 lines.
If you don't know what I mean by this, go to David's files and read up on the line covering section.
The good news is that I've provided a list below of some Exocets. The list includes the puzzle and the location of the Exocet
- Code: Select all
98.7.....7.....6....6.5.....4...5.3...79..5......2...1..85..9......1...4.....3.2.;1;GP;champagne dry;1;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 1234;;
.......39.....1..5..3.5.8....8.9...6.7...2...1..4.......9.8..5..2....6..4..7.....;3;tax;Golden-Nugget;1;r1c7 r2c7 r4c8 r7c9 1247;;
.2.4...8.....8...68....71..2..5...9..95.......4..3.........1..7..28...4.....6.3..;4;elev;3;1;r5c1 r6c1 r1c3 r8c2 1367;;
..3..6.8....1..2......7...4..9..8.6..3..4...1.7.2.....3....5.....5...6..98.....5.;6;elev;2;1;r8c1 r8c2 r9c6 r7c8 1247;;
1.......9..67...2..8....4......75.3...5..2....6.3......9....8..6...4...1..25...6.;7;elev;15;1;r6c5 r6c6 r4c3 r5c8 1489;;
1....6.8....7..1........5.6..9.4.....7.2...3.8....76..3....1..5.4.9.......2.7....;8;elev;16;1;r2c8 r3c8 r6c9 r7c7 2479;;
.2...67..4...8......93........9..57..1...7..2......61.3...4..6...8.......6...5.2.;9;tarekdb;tarx0075;1;r4c9 r6c9 r1c8 r9c7 3489;;
98.7.....6...5......4..93..5......6..7..8......9..24....1.....4....9.1.......1.32;11;GP;H1;1;r8c8 r8c9 r9c3 r7c6 5678;;
...4...89..7..92......3...526...1.....19.....7.....1..5...9..4...6..29.....8....3;15;elev;17;1;r5c1 r5c2 r6c6 r4c7 3458;;
........94....92......7..45..1.3.....7.6..9..8....7..2.3.7..8....6.1....9....5.2.;16;elev;18;1;r1c7 r3c7 r6c8 r9c9 1367;;
...4...8...7..92......3...526...1.....19......7....1..5......4..1.8....3..6..29..;19;elev;9;1;r5c1 r5c2 r6c6 r4c7 3458;;
.....6.8....1..2...9..7...5..5.4...734...8...97.........9...6..7...3...4...2...1.;30;elev;5;1;r5c3 r6c3 r3c1 r8c2 1268;;
..3..6.8....1......9..7...4...8..6..3...4...2.....5.1...2.9...37........94....5..;33;elev;6;1;r8c3 r9c3 r3c1 r5c2 1568;;
.2.4..7...5...9.3.6...7......5..8.9.7...2.....4.6..3.......1..85......1...1...9.3;34;elev;8;1;r8c7 r8c9 r7c3 r9c6 2467;;
98.7.....6.....9....5....7..4..3..2...85..4.......4..1..69..5......2...3.....1.4.;35;GP;H4;1;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 1234;;
98.7.....76....9....5......4...6..3...75..6.......2..1..86..5......1...2.....3.4.;36;GP;H5;1;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 1234;;
1...5...9..7...2...69..3.4....8........91..7.9....5..83..5....1..2...6...4.......;37;elev;34;1;r4c6 r5c6 r1c4 r7c5 2467;;
98.7.....6.....7....7.5....5....4.3...89..5......2..1..3.....4...98..6......1...2;44;GP;H7;1;r3c1 r3c2 r2c4 r1c7 1234;;
..3..6.8.4..7......9..3.....3.....15..5..18.........6.3..9..2...7..4......2..5..1;48;elev;L3;1;r4c7 r6c7 r1c9 r9c8 3479;;
...4.67....67.9.......1......9.6.4..5......2..8......33......5...4.9.1...1...2..8;53;elev;H2;1;r3c4 r3c6 r1c3 r2c7 2358;;
..1...5...2.4...6.3....7....6.28........9..2.......4.65.....1...9.8...4...7.....3;54;col;H2;1;r6c5 r6c6 r5c2 r4c8 1357;;
...4....9....8.2..6....3.1..1...7...7..6..5...3.....7.3....5.2...29..8......2...4;56;elev;32;1;r5c2 r5c3 r6c6 r4c8 2489;;
1...56.....71.......9....1..4..6.3.......8..29..7...6......24..5..6...9.....3...8;59;elev;33;1;r1c2 r1c3 r3c4 r2c8 2348;;
....56.8..5.7....3..8......2.....9...4.5....7....;61;elev;31;1;r9c1 r9c3 r7c4 r8c9 2689;;
Well, I'll stop there. You have penty of work and studying to do, but if you ask a question, I'll try and answer it as best I can.