Every so often among the V.Hards, there's a horror...!

Advanced methods and approaches for solving Sudoku puzzles

Every so often among the V.Hards, there's a horror...!

Postby georgers » Sat Jun 25, 2005 10:29 pm

If there were a kind soul who could point out to me what I am missing in this one: at such a late stage it ought to be obvious but I am darned if I can see it:

*25 1*4 37*
*47 *23 18*
13* *7* *2*
*9* 261 547
754 938 261
216 457 893
*7* *** *12
*82 71* 63*
*61 3*2 758

Thank you in advance!

Posts: 13
Joined: 04 June 2005

Re: Every so often among the V.Hards, there's a horror...!

Postby angusj » Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:00 pm

georgers wrote:If there were a kind soul who could point out to me what I am missing in this one

An X-Wing:) .
Posts: 306
Joined: 12 June 2005

Every so often among the V.Hards, there's a horror...!

Postby georgers » Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:16 pm

angusj wrote
An X-Wing:)

I was afraid of this! One of my pencilled possibles must be wrong.

According to my pencilled possibles, in every pairing of either 2 rows or two columns, one of the defining rows(columns) has 3 instances except for the only X-Wing which I can see in the number 3 [ r4c1 & r4c3 with r6c1 & r6c3]. Which doesn't actually help.

So could you put me out of my misery? Where the *!£$* did I make the mistake?:(
Posts: 13
Joined: 04 June 2005

Re: Every so often among the V.Hards, there's a horror...!

Postby MCC » Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:36 pm

georgers wrote:
According to my pencilled possibles, in every pairing of either 2 rows or two columns, one of the defining rows(columns) has 3 instances except for the only X-Wing which I can see in the number 3 [ r4c1 & r4c3 with r6c1 & r6c3]. Which doesn't actually help.

So could you put me out of my misery? Where the *!£$* did I make the mistake?:(

First you've made a mistake it's [r7c1 & r7c3] and yes the threes don't help.

For an x-wing look at the 9's in c3 and c7.
Then look at c6.
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Joined: 08 June 2005

Re: Every so often among the V.Hards, there's a horror...!

Postby georgers » Sun Jun 26, 2005 4:57 pm

MCC"][quote="georgers wrote:

First you've made a mistake it's [r7c1 & r7c3] and yes the threes don't help.

For an x-wing look at the 9's in c3 and c7.
Then look at c6.

Thanks very much, MCC! Someone has to write a thesis on 'acquired blindness' --- I must have been over those 9's 50 times and still succeeded in missing the X-wing!
Posts: 13
Joined: 04 June 2005

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