here is an EXTREMELY EASY (!!!) Sudoku - I tried to solve - it has got 31 clues: (# 649791 - very hard)
- Code: Select all
|. . .|2 1 5|. 4 .|
|6 . 5|. 9 .|. . .|
|4 9 .|. . .|. 1 .|
|. . 3|. . .|. 7 5|
|. . 7|3 8 1|2 . .|
|1 4 .|. . .|3 . .|
|. 5 .|. . .|. 2 6|
|. . .|. 5 .|4 . 1|
|. 8 .|6 4 2|. . .|
I could hardly find ANY hidden singles (29 only) - so I had to pencilmark 21 cells.
- Code: Select all
|37. 37 8|2. 1. 5..|6.. 4. 9.|
|6.. 1. 5|47 9. 34.|78. 38 2.|
|4.. 9. 2|8. 37 6..|5.. 1. 37|
|8.. 2. 3|49 6. 49.|1.. 7. 5.|
|5.. 6. 7|3. 8. 1..|2.. 9. 4.|
|1.. 4. 9|5. 2. 7..|3.. 6. 8.|
|379 5. 4|1. 37 389|789 2. 6.|
|2.. 37 6|79 5. 389|4.. 38 1.|
|379 8. 1|6. 4. 2..|79. 5. 37|
Any hints and tips are appreciated. Thanks in advance