Thank you for your solutions.
As pointed out first by Bogdan, the permutation rows|columns = 987654321|987456321, digits = 123547698 results in the same puzzle, only with r19c456 altered.
Since those contain the same digits, we can swap them back and make the same inferences as with a full-grid automorphism.
I found it by playing with the sticks symmetry, I was curious if I could swap two of the bands instead of just swapping the rows within each of them.
This symmetry breaks in the swapped sticks, as they must contain the same digits in the same columns, but the (fully-given) DP solves this issue.
The idea of combining fully-given DPs with GSP is not new per se (see this puzzle created by eleven), but I hadn't seen it used to allow for a symmetry that doesn't have a full solution grid.
I have created this bonus puzzle (9.2 skfr), showcasing a very similar symmetry: