I've had a look at the document and I have a few questions.
Firstly you only consider the most common digit in each box, instead of every digit with more then two occurrences in a house.
If I understand it properly, there is no proof that deleting all of your BUG candidates would actually produce a BUG, ie. a situation where each uresolved cell and digit in a house have exactly two candidates.
Secondly you first say:
We believe we know that at least ONE BC identified on a board will be valid, which means that some or even all of the others are invalid.
which is true (provided the BUG cadidates are chosen correctly), but then in example 5 you ignore four of the BUG candidates (1E1, 1E6, 3E9 and 1A6) with the explanation that:
E1[1] and E6[1] combine to E9[3]
A6[1] ... A9[3] pincer with E8[3] to eliminate E9[3]
How can the fact that these candidates contradict one another justify ignoring all of them if you only know that one of them is true?
I don't understand the justification for anything that happens from example 6 onwards. Since the puzzles are fairly simple (judging by the techniques you mentioned they should be about 7.0 SE at most), there is an explanation for why this might work:
Every false candidate is likely to chain to most other candidates, while the true candidates can only chain to other true candidates.
But this obviously never provides 100% certainty and will definitely fail from 8.0 SE upwards.
About the example:
If someone can tell me how to put the board in with fixed width characters I should be pleased.
You need to paste the grid into code tags or select the grid and then press the Code button.
Rather then choosing 5r2c9 as a BC it makes more sense to choose 4r12c7 instead. Obviously they lead to 5r2c9, but it makes it easier for others to see the BUG (if you delete the BCs with the 4s you reach a BUG, but if you delete them with the 5, you don't).
In general, you can get a much easier solution using other techniques and BUG is only useful in a handful of cases.
This puzzle, for example, can be solved with an XY Chain of length 6:
- Code: Select all
| 7 c14 b12 | 5 48 6 | 489 a29 3 |
| 9 8 236 | 7 34 1 | 456 26 45 |
| 46 5 36 | 2 348 9 | 468 7 1 |
| 46 2 69 | 3 1 8 |f49 5 7 |
| 1 7 8 | 4 9 5 | 2 3 6 |
| 3 d49 5 | 6 7 2 | 1 8 e49 |
| 2 6 4 | 9 5 3 | 7 1 8 |
| 5 19 19 | 8 6 7 | 3 4 2 |
| 8 3 7 | 1 2 4 | 569 69 59 |
(9=2)r1c8 - (2=1)r1c3 - (1=4)r1c2 - (4=9)r6c2 - (9=4)r6c9 - (4=9)r4c7 => -9r1c7, stte.
The combined length of your chains is 11, plus they don't follow single stream of reasoning and you first have to identify the BCs. Using the BUG here seems unnecessarily complicated.