I have a question about SK-loops and their variations; apologies if it is a terribly newbie one, but I couldn't answer it by searching here.
Everything I have read about SK-loops is unambiguous that in each box, the cell in the same row or column as all four of the cells that are part of the loop must be given/solved. But I don't see why this needs to be so. Let us consider the following partial grid, which is what I understand to be a maximally general SK-loop:
**** abcd abcd | abef abef ****
cdgh [c?] ---- | ---- ---- efij
cdgh ---- ----| ---- ---- efij
ghkl ---- ----| ---- ---- ijop
ghkl ---- ----| ---- ---- ijop
**** klmn klmn | mnop mnop ****
(sorry if the spacing is confusing - everything except the "[c?]" is intended to be in columns 1 or 6 or rows A or F)
where the letters a...p denote candidates in the indicated cell, and (necessarily) different letters not appearing in a single cell (such as c and p) can specify the same value. It seems to me that we can derive the SK-loop eliminations without saying anything at all about the cells marked with *. Consider whether cell B2 can be c. If it is, then cells B1 and C1 must be two of d,g,h. If they are g and h, we can go around the loop anticlockwise and derive DE1 = kl, F23 = mn, F45 = op, DE6 = ij, BC6 = ef, A45 = ab, A23 = cd, contradicting B2=c. But if BC1 are not g and h, one of them must be d, so A23 is ab, so we can instead go around the loop clockwise and derive A45 = ef, BC6 = ij, DE6 = op, F45 = mn, F23 = kl, DE1 = gh, BC1 = cd, again contradicting B2=c. So we're done, B2=c can be eliminated, and we never looked at AF16. What am I missing? Is this not a bona fide SK-loop, or not a truly generic one?