Difficulty question

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Re: Difficulty question

Postby mith » Wed Oct 07, 2020 11:54 pm

The meaning of difficulty labels varies wildly between publications, I think.

Just as a quick example the current "Hard" puzzle on the NY Times website is a 3.0 (and can be solved with one pair, and otherwise singles).
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Joined: 14 July 2020

Re: Difficulty question

Postby Pupp » Thu Oct 08, 2020 12:10 am

mith wrote:The meaning of difficulty labels varies wildly between publications, I think.

Just as a quick example the current "Hard" puzzle on the NY Times website is a 3.0 (and can be solved with one pair, and otherwise singles).

I agree. I plugged in a "medium" sudoku problem I got from a youtube video that was rated over 5.0 SE. It was back when I was only doing puzzles around 4.0.

I think that puzzles rated from about 4.8 to 6.2 SE, which is the level I'm on, must be considered decent for someone that's bent on being able to eventually solve problems rated over 7.0, and in the long term, solve problems over rated over 9.0.

I'm at a level in Sudoku 10000 where I'm happy to solve all the problems in a level, so I'm not fussing over trying to skip levels anymore, like I was doing in the easier levels.
Posts: 246
Joined: 18 October 2019


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