StrmCkr wrote:Naked singles are visible with out pms
Yes, but finding them can take time, as you have to look at one cell at a time (although some are more potential than others, of course). Until quite recently I didn't really bother to look for them at all without pms, as it was usually faster to just mark the candidates and let the naked singles reveal themselves. Lately I've been honing my no-pm skills a bit and can find almost all naked singles now but might still miss some. I still don't bother to look for them if I know I will be needing pms anyway.
I start all puzzles without pencil marks (if understood as a synonym for cell candidates -- otherwise it's not literally true as I almost always use some other helper markings) and only add them if need be. First I exhaust all box-based hidden singles (using pointing pairs/triples if needed), and I also note obvious locked pairs/triples. Then I look for line-based hidden singles and pairs, as well as claiming opportunities and conjugate pairs, starting with the least empty rows and columns. While doing that I also look for naked singles (and pairs), and make note of any bivalue cells I find too. (When all of that is exhausted, I typically use any obvious URs, X-Wings, Skyscrapers, Kites, Remote Pairs, etc. before resorting to pms; it's much more unlikely that I would see things like naked triples and quads without pms, though.)
For example, in this particular puzzle I would have found the first naked single when looking at the row 4 which has five empty cells and thus five remaining candidates (23479). When scanning each empty cell on that row I would have checked how many of those candidates were seen by that cell in its box and column, and the cell r4c8 saw four of them (3+279) -> thus a naked single. My manual solution to this puzzle used two more naked singles, one of which I found as a by-product of a hidden pair (which is by far the easiest way for me to spot them). I think there were also three line-based hidden singles. Otherwise I just used box-based hidden singles (possibly with the help of pointing pairs -- it's automatic for me, so I don't really register using them) and full-houses. No need for pms.