denis_berthier wrote:Notice that your solution is not really 3-step, as there are Subsets.
Yes if you want, but note that I have deliberately avoided talking about “steps”.
I simply said that I had used 3 whips [<= 12]. However I should have specified whips of length >= 2 and <= 12 because my alignments are whips [1].
denis_berthier wrote:There are 330 W1-anti-backdoor pairs. None of them gives rise to a solution in W13. I didn't try with longer whips due to increasing computation times and to what I consider absurd for a puzzle solvable in Z5.
What's noticeable in many of the examples I've tried is how a relatively easy puzzle can become intractable with an additional condition. Single-step solutions are not too hard to find for puzzles that have one but, for those that don't, 2-step solutions tend to be beyond human possibilities.
In this example it’s faster to check that:
for each of the 330 W1-anti-backdoor pairs (Ai,Bi) we never have (1) or (2):
(1) [T&E(BRT, Ai, RS) => error] and [T&E(BRT, Bi, RS-{Ai}) => error]
(2) [T&E(BRT, Bi, RS) => error] and [T&E(BRT, Ai, RS-{Bi}) => error]
According to your “T&E vs braids” theorem, this is equivalent to say that we never have (1’) or (2’):
(1’) Ai target of a braid and Bi target of a braid, after deleting Ai
(2’) Bi target of a braid and Ai target of a braid, after deleting Bi
and finally we never have (1’’) or (2”):
(1’’) Ai target of a whip and Bi target of a whip, after deleting Ai
(2’’) Bi target of a whip and Ai target of a whip, after deleting Bi