Following my publication of a new GitHub repositoriy for the data supporting my results in [HCCS2] (see
http://forum.enjoysudoku.com/hierarchical-classifications-in-constraint-satisfaction-t42076-7.html), I've added to SudoRules global variables that give direct access to the collections described there and that allow you to re-run the calculations just by copying into SudoRules all the commands that appear in the RESULTS.clp files of each folder. They are defined as:
- Code: Select all
?*CSP-EX* = (str-cat ?*CSP-Rules* "CSP-Rules-Examples/”)
?*CBGC* = (str-cat ?*CSP-Rules* "CBGC/”)
?*SUDCL* = (str-cat ?*CSP-Rules* "SUDCL")
?*TE3-Mi* = (str-cat ?*SUDCL* "mith-158276-TE3/")
?*TE2-EL* = (str-cat ?*SUDCL* "eleven-26370-TE2/”)
?*TE2-PH* = (str-cat ?*SUDCL* "ph2010-3103972-TE2/”)
?*TE2-Paq* = (str-cat ?*SUDCL* "Paquita-2023-sept-dec-TE2/")
?*TE23-Mon* = (str-cat ?*SUDCL* "Monhard-until-2023-08-15-TE23/")
?*TE2-Col* = (str-cat ?*SUDCL* "Coloin-2024-09-03-B7B+/")
?*17c* = (str-cat ?*SUDCL* "Royle-49158-17c/")
?*18c* = (str-cat ?*SUDCL* "JPF-2000000-18c/")
?*38c* = (str-cat ?*SUDCL* "dob-2014078-38c/")
?*39c* = (str-cat ?*SUDCL* "dob-2650-39c/")
Using them as such supposes you have installed all the repositories in the CSP-Rules directory, that should look like:
- Code: Select all
CSP-Rules | CSP-Rules-V2.1
| SHC (the Sudoku Hierarchical Classifier)
| CSP-Rules-Examples
| CBGC (the Controlled-Bias Generator and Collection)
| SUDCL (the classification results of various Sudoku collections)
| TE3-classif (deprecated, now included in SUDCL )
| TE2-classif (deprecated, now included in SUDCL )
However, you can decide to install them at any other place. You'll only have to redefine the 3 top level directories, e.g.:
- Code: Select all
(bind ?*CSP-EX* “/usr/me/CSP-Rules-Examples/”)
(bind ?*CBGC* “/usr/me/CBGC/”)
(bind ?*SUDCL* “/usr/me/SUDCL/")
and then type:
- Code: Select all
in order to redefine the other variables.