Creating a balanced test set for Sudoku software

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

Re: Creating a balanced test set for Sudoku software

Postby denis_berthier » Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:28 am

Clouded wrote:
Writing the pencilmarks is the main method for limiting the memory load.

I'm told there is something called 'Snyder notation' which is simpler than full pencilmarks? I have not yet looked up what it is, because (as mentioned) I wanted to see what I came up with without looking at the literature.

There are lots of possibilities for not marking all the cells at the same time, but only when needed. Never heard of Snyder notation.
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Re: Creating a balanced test set for Sudoku software

Postby Clouded » Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:58 am

@denis berthier it turns up a few times if you type 'Snyder' into the search bar of this forum. If you look at , you'll see more mentions of it.

I've analysed how (a version of) my net does on the patterns game. The simplest visualisation is


Green = solved, red = error made at some point.

Of course, it's rather unsatisfactory to let the net guess and make mistakes. A better option would be to give it a way of saying 'I'm stuck' at some point. That gives you this:


Yellow = stuck. [More specifically, the net outputs a probability distribution P_s(n) for each square s and number n. We only ever put n in square s if P_s(n) > 0.95. If P_s(n) <= 0.95 for all s, n we report that the problem is stuck.]

If you increase the threshold from 0.95 you get fewer errors but also more correct solutions switching to 'stuck'. (Both green and red -> yellow.) So:


It's worth saying that the problems that version of the net is trained on were generated by Hodoku with setting 1 -- SE 2.0, SE 2.6 are the most common. So I wouldn't expect this version of the net to be able to solve problems that were much harder.
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