copyright on sudokus

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copyright on sudokus

Postby dukuso » Tue May 25, 2010 8:47 am

I remember, we had a discussion years ago ...

what's the current view, is it possible to successfully claim copyright
on a single sudoku or a collection of sudokus ?

I mean, the mere puzzle, as a file, in simple,basic,electronical form.

by US-law ?
by European law ?
by international law ?
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re: copyright

Postby Pat » Tue May 25, 2010 11:40 am

dukuso wrote:I remember, we had a discussion years ago ...

what's the current view, is it possible to successfully claim copyright
on a single sudoku or a collection of sudokus ?

the old comments which you recall ---- i've seen no new discussions
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Re: copyright on sudokus

Postby eleven » Tue May 25, 2010 1:25 pm

Hm, i dont think, that this question is of any relevance since 5 years. Wayne probably was the only one, whose sudokus made good cash (by long term contracts with newspapers). For me he earned it well, because it was he who made sudoku popular.

But his puzzles were so poor, that only a few months after the first had been published we had better free programs without any copyright claim. So who should be tempted to steal them - or any others (and who would pay for interesting ones) ?
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Postby Pat » Tue May 25, 2010 1:38 pm

eleven wrote:
Wayne probably was the only one, whose sudokus made good cash
(by long term contracts with newspapers).

( off-topic ) newspapers get free Pappocom puzzles; they're supposed to send people to his web-site -- where he offers the software for sale.
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