Pupp wrote:How does everybody paste diagrams into a forum post? When I "copy" something, it's usually just a string of numbers. Is there a particular program that allows that?
| "&B2&" "&C2&" "&D2&" | "&E2&" "&F2&" "&G2&" | "&H2&" "&I2&" "&J2&" |
| "&B3&" "&C3&" "&D3&" | "&E3&" "&F3&" "&G3&" | "&H3&" "&I3&" "&J3&" |
| "&B4&" "&C4&" "&D4&" | "&E4&" "&F4&" "&G4&" | "&H4&" "&I4&" "&J4&" |
| "&B5&" "&C5&" "&D5&" | "&E5&" "&F5&" "&G5&" | "&H5&" "&I5&" "&J5&" |
| "&B6&" "&C6&" "&D6&" | "&E6&" "&F6&" "&G6&" | "&H6&" "&I6&" "&J6&" |
| "&B7&" "&C7&" "&D7&" | "&E7&" "&F7&" "&G7&" | "&H7&" "&I7&" "&J7&" |
| "&B8&" "&C8&" "&D8&" | "&E8&" "&F8&" "&G8&" | "&H8&" "&I8&" "&J8&" |
| "&B9&" "&C9&" "&D9&" | "&E9&" "&F9&" "&G9&" | "&H9&" "&I9&" "&J9&" |
| "&B10&" "&C10&" "&D10&" | "&E10&" "&F10&" "&G10&" | "&H10&" "&I10&" "&J10&" |
SpAce wrote:Pupp wrote:How does everybody paste diagrams into a forum post? When I "copy" something, it's usually just a string of numbers. Is there a particular program that allows that?
In Hodoku the menu item Edit::Copy Candidates copies the current pencil mark diagram. In SudokuWiki you get it by clicking "Email This Board". I don't know about others.
Btw, I'd like to know what people use to copy the givens (or values) as a grid instead of just a string. I haven't found that option in Hodoku. Edit::Copy Givens/Values only copy the puzzle string, but no diagram.
| 3457 4568 34578 | 24567 45679 25679 | 2679 1 259 |
| 9 2 1 | 3 567 567 | 8 4 5 |
| 457 456 457 | 124567 8 125679 | 2679 5679 3 |
| 8 145 3457 | 1457 1457 157 | 3479 2 6 |
| 147 14 6 | 9 2 3 | 5 7 48 |
| 2 9 3457 | 45678 4567 5678 | 347 37 1 |
| 6 1458 2458 | 12578 3 125789 | 249 59 2459 |
| 5 3 9 | 256 56 4 | 1 8 7 |
| 145 7 2458 | 12568 1569 125689 | 23469 3569 2459 |
| 1 3569 567 | 3 3567 2 | 4 57 8 |
| 35678 23568 25678 | 4 9 357 | 157 1257 1257 |
| 4578 24589 2578 | 8 578 1 | 6 3 2579 |
| 2 4568 5678 | 18 1478 47 | 3 9 157 |
| 478 48 9 | 5 13478 6 | 2 178 17 |
| 5678 1 3 | 289 78 79 | 578 5678 4 |
| 358 7 4 | 6 135 359 | 1589 1258 12359 |
| 356 356 56 | 139 2 8 | 1579 1457 13579 |
| 9 2358 1 | 7 345 345 | 58 2458 6 |
mith wrote:I use a monstrous excel formula, for whatever that's worth.
- Code: Select all
| "&B2&" "&C2&" "&D2&" | "&E2&" "&F2&" "&G2&" | "&H2&" "&I2&" "&J2&" |
| "&B3&" "&C3&" "&D3&" | "&E3&" "&F3&" "&G3&" | "&H3&" "&I3&" "&J3&" |
| "&B4&" "&C4&" "&D4&" | "&E4&" "&F4&" "&G4&" | "&H4&" "&I4&" "&J4&" |
| "&B5&" "&C5&" "&D5&" | "&E5&" "&F5&" "&G5&" | "&H5&" "&I5&" "&J5&" |
| "&B6&" "&C6&" "&D6&" | "&E6&" "&F6&" "&G6&" | "&H6&" "&I6&" "&J6&" |
| "&B7&" "&C7&" "&D7&" | "&E7&" "&F7&" "&G7&" | "&H7&" "&I7&" "&J7&" |
| "&B8&" "&C8&" "&D8&" | "&E8&" "&F8&" "&G8&" | "&H8&" "&I8&" "&J8&" |
| "&B9&" "&C9&" "&D9&" | "&E9&" "&F9&" "&G9&" | "&H9&" "&I9&" "&J9&" |
| "&B10&" "&C10&" "&D10&" | "&E10&" "&F10&" "&G10&" | "&H10&" "&I10&" "&J10&" |
9 . .|1 . .|. . 4
. . 8|. 9 .|. . .
. . .|. . 6|. 2 .
. . 6|4 3 7|. . 1
. 9 .|6 . 8|. 3 .
3 . .|2 5 9|7 . .
. 5 .|3 . .|. . .
. . .|. 2 .|3 . .
7 . .|. . 5|. . 9
| 289 2589 1 | 6 57 3 | 25789 289 4 |
| 4 25689 2569 | 1579 157 159 | 25789 23689 23589 |
| 9 7 3 | 459 8 2 | 59 69 1 |
| 6 4 2579 | 1357 12357 158 | 2589 2389 23589 |
| 237 235 8 | 3457 9 456 | 1 234 235 |
| 239 12359 259 | 1345 1235 1458 | 24589 7 6 |
| 1 689 679 | 2 4 69 | 3 5 89 |
| 2389 23689 2469 | 1359 1356 1569 | 2489 12489 7 |
| 5 239 249 | 8 13 7 | 6 1249 29 |
Pupp wrote:I wanted to mention that the large triple diagram comes from Hodoku using the "copy for simplesudoku format"
mith wrote:I use a monstrous excel formula, for whatever that's worth.
mith wrote:You're welcome.I added a link above if you want to see what it looks like.