The argument below was given by Sue de Coq.
Consider the intersection of a line (row or column) and a box. Suppose there are n unsolved cells there, and these have together m candidates, and you can find m-n other cells in the same line or the same box that have no candidates other than these m, and such that for these m-n other cells there is no candidate common to a cell in the same box not on the line and a cell on the same line not in the box. Then matching applies: the m values go into the m cells, and the values can be removed elsewhere.
An example given by ronk:
The three yellow squares have together the five possibilities 2,3,4,5,9. The two green squares also have their possibilities inside the set 23459, and since no digit can be seen twice in the yellow and green squares together, these five squares contains these five digits. But that means that 345 can be eliminated elsewhere in the same box, and 259 elsewhere in the same column.
What I don't understand is the text highlighted in RED above. In the partial example below, the "6's" in yellow cannot both be removed...why not?