colors again..

Post the puzzle or solving technique that's causing you trouble and someone will help

Postby ronk » Wed May 10, 2006 11:19 am


Reading the introductory post to these threads might help.

New pattern: the Turbot Fish

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Postby TKiel » Wed May 10, 2006 11:32 pm

Though multi-coloring is a good and very systematic tool, i want to say that in this case the 2 strong links in rows 3 and 7 are easy to spot (old name turbot fish or also advanced coloring with 4 cells)...So multi-coloring is not needed here.

I always had the impression that 'turbot fish' was a particular pattern of multi-colouring.

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Joined: 05 January 2006

Postby ravel » Thu May 11, 2006 7:30 am

TKiel wrote:I always had the impression that 'turbot fish' was a particular pattern of multi-colouring.

Yes, of course it is. What i meant is, that i would not start to color the strong links with BG and PA, observe that B and P are in the same column, conclude that G or A must hold the number and make the elimination then.
Instead i make it directly after spotting the 2 strong links (or the turbot fish).
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