Thanks for the detailed reply!
I keep looking at "(r5c7=6=r5c9=9=r2c9=7=r3c7-7-r5c7)" and feel I must be dense because I still read the opening as "r5c7 is 6" yet your text in your first post states "r5c7 is not 6" (or more exactly "r5c7<>6" which I read as "r5c7 not equal to 6"). Feel free to sigh and tell me to just reread posts referenced in your first reply if my questions become too annoying.
As to the debate on advanced solving techniques... this is a very interesting area to me.
Before I constructued my Forcing Chain/Net code, I spent a lot of time looking at color chains. I'll be damned if I can spot entire color chains without the computer or a lot of T&E-like work (and VERY light pencil marks or overlays). It is not something I can do in my head (as I can, for instance, scanning for hidden or naken doubles or triples or locked sets).
Once I had the computer finding them for me, I noticed that color chains provided great candidates for "good guesses"; long color chains are a great place to try Nishino or Ariadne's thread (something that, because of my background, I think of as "recursion"). Because there are so many strongly-linked cells, giving one or the other of the bi-values a go often collapsed the puzzle significantly (if not completely). It is, after all, the same target-rich environment one would use to search for nice loops or AIC's. The coloration makes it that much clearer (to me) where the really target-rich veins lie in the puzzle.
I think of this as "guided guessing", and it seems to be along the same lines as your intelligent T&E.
In considering "solving" versus "guessing", the line of demarcation on which I settled was the point where I can no longer just recognize a pattern (for me that line happens at XY Wings, and that is stretching it) and must instead undertake a lot of work to find candidates, "feed them" to the technique, and see what comes out. Take color chains as an example.
One must first find the bi-value pairs in houses and link them. Then look for overlaps of various kinds to arrive at cancellations. Just coloring the puzzle for any given square value is something, as I noted previously, I find time consuming (relative to finding patterns, locked sets & fishy patterns). So for me, even color chains are over the edge of things I can "see" versus things I need to "work through several steps" before I know if I am on to something.
Not too much difference, then, between Nice Loops or AIC's (in my own view) and color chains (both rely on bi-values and you start out with a thought along the lines of, "hmm, this looks promising...").
I would specifically call out patterns such as sky scrapers, deadly pattern and other sequences one can recognize by sight as being on the pattern/locked set side of things. I would also note that exactly where one draws this line depends very much on how obvious such patterns seem to them within puzzles. As I noted, for me XY-Wings are pushing it.
When I decided to play with forcing chains, I started implementing an algorithm that would find only changes in bi-value cells (including color chains). I noticed quickly that lots of one-way forces would occur... creating singles along one path but not another. It is clear that tracking these leads to quicker cancellations and (with some tuning) still tends to mostly find chains that involve only bi-value squares. But not always (and when it doesn't, the information is very useful if somewhat harder to see). To me this seems little different than finding singles as one goes through general puzzle solving. So why leave them out?
What it does make harder, in my experience, is reconstructing the chain of events after the cancellations are made

. Getting better at that too as time goes on.
One thing that I have observed in the Sudoku community is a distinct preference for what I might call ABAT or ACR (Anything But Ariadne's Thread or Anything But Recursion). Which is cool... it's pushing the envelope with new techniques. Yet now that I've implemented color chains and forcing chains, there is so much trial and error in those that I see little difference insofar as the work required.... except that Guided Guessing often leads to a solution faster than the T&E approach required for chains of any kind.
And both start with a Guided Guess ("hmm, this looks promising...").
I still have a lot of testing to do against puzzles and a lot more to learn about solving techniques. I appreciate the time you've taken to respond to my posts so far, and look forward to your (and anyone else's) thoughts on the above.
- Draco