okay, so, there's naked/hidden pairs and triplets (sets), and when they share 2 houses, they are also called "locked" sets (which allows eliminations in both houses instead of one).
so good so far, but!
all the cases of Locked Sets i've seen so far only produce those extra eliminations when the "previous" set was a NAKED Set.
i've never seen a Locked HIDDEN Set produce the extra eliminations on the second house, and i'm wondering if there's a reason for this. or if i'm just plain wrong.
if someone can think of an example to prove me wrong, i'd much appreciate it!!!
i have this following (INVALID) example...
i modified this puzzle by only removing a 9 from r1c4, so i could prove this point....
... but turns out that invalidated the whole puzzle (this position has now 3 solutions instead of 1):
as you can see, there is a HIDDEN 1-9 pair (in green) in box 1 AND c3 (meaning this is a LOCKED pair).
are the eliminations (in red, r78c3) from this pair legal?
my guess is yes, since they could also be achieved by the Pointing Pairs of 1 and 9, but it still feels a bit like cheating, since i had to use an invalid example (if it were valid, there would be no pair to begin with).
what are your thoughts on this? do you have a valid example of a Locked and Hidden Pair/Triplet that produces eliminations in both houses?