I have now enough results to be confident in the new version of "full taging".
I tested it on the top list of jpf and gsf. In both cases; puzzles are cracked.
I have not that much time in the near future, so I start a full explanation of how it solves EasterMonster.
I start with the first clearing of candidates and I'll add other clearing progressively.
The rules have been described in the thread "full tagging". I have only to define how I will work with the new stuff.
I'll do it using the puzzle at the start
- Code: Select all
1 47d8 345f78 |3567y 3689e 5678 |34h89 36i9 2
2o38 9 37a8 |4 12368 1267A8 |1g38 5 36I8
2345F8 2P48 6 |1235 12389E 1258 |7 1G39 34H89
2468 5 147x8 |9 124j6 3 |128 1267C 678
234689 12468 13489 |126 7 124J6 |1235b89 12369 35B689
2369 1267D 1379 |8 5 126 |1239 4 367x9
7 1N48 14589k |1235 12348 12458 |6 2l39 3459
456v 3 1M45 |12567c 1246 9 |2L45 8 457C
45689K 46w8 2 |3567 3468 4567y8 |3459 37c9 1
I indicate "almost cell" using |*.
eg :
. r1c3 r3c1 is an "almost cell"
. 4(r1c3 r3c1)/2r3c1 |*r1c3r3c1
is the weak link 4/2 in that "almost cell".
Similarly, I indicate the new stuff ALS/"Almost cell" freedom 2 here after "AC2"(two digit TRUE and two digit FALSE) using ||*
eg : ||*(r1c2 r3c2).
We need as well a convention to identify a "couple tag".
eg : in ||*(r1c2 r3c2) the two valid digits can be 2 and 4.
. To avoid use of symbols, I'll write this {2;4||*r1c2r3c2)
A weak link using "couple tags" will be written
. (2;4)/(2;6)||*(r1c2 r3c2) inside ||*(r1c2 r3c2)
. 4(r1c3r3c1)/(2;4)||*r1c2r3c2 for a native weak link out of ||*r1c2r3c2
The first clearing move for Easter Monster uses two AC2 as Choices and two others as targets to prepare the final clearing:
Intermediate targets are:
||*r1c2r3c2 where we intend to cancel (4;8) => (2;7) in ||*r1c3r2c1r2c3r3c1 (complementary set)
nota: as in ||*r1c2r3c2 (2;7) is tagged (P;d) in ||*r1c3r2c1r2c3r3c1 (2;7) is tagged (p;D)
||*r2c1r2c3 where we intend to cancel {3;8} => (2;7) or (O;A) in ||*r1c2r1c3r3c1r3c2
AC2 used as choices are
||*r8c7r8c9 2r8c7-L 4(r8c7r8c9) 5(r8c7r8c9) 7r8c9-C
. "couple tags" (2;4) (2;5) (2;7) (4;5) (4;7) (5;7)
||*r7c8r9c8 2r7c8-l 3(r7c8r9c8) 7r9c8-c 9(r7c8r9c8)
. "couple tags" (2;3) (2;7) (2;9) (3;7) (3;9) (7;9)
XX= {(4;8)||*r1c2r3c2} ; {(2;7)||*r1c3r2c1r2c3r3c1} not valid => weak link p/D
one chain used several times
- Code: Select all
#[]4(r7c3r9c1)/XX []4(r7c3r9c1)/8(r7c3r9c1)|*r7c3r9c1_8(r7c2r9c2)/XX ||*r1c2r3c2
[]4(r7c2r9c2)/XX ||*r1c2r3c2
[]4(r7c2r9c2)/XX ||*r1c2r3c2
#[]XX thru||*r8c7r8c9 (2;4) (2;5) (2;7) (4;5) (4;7) (5;7)
[](2;5)/5(r8c1r8c3r8c7)|#_5(r8c4r8c9)/5(r8c1r8c3)_5(r7c3r9c1)/8(r7c3r9c1)|*r7c3r9c1 _8(r7c2r9c2)/XX
[](5;7)/5(r5c7r9c7)|#_5r8c7/5(r8c1r8c3)_5(r7c3r9c1)/8(r7c3r9c1)|*r7c3r9c1 _8(r7c2r9c2)/XX
YY= {{3;8}||*r2c1r2c3} or {(2;7) (O;A)||*r1c2r1c3r3c1r3c2} not valid => weak link O/A
in a similar way
a chain reused
- Code: Select all
#[]3(r1c7r3c9)/YY []3(r1c7r3c9)/8(r1c7r3c9)|*r1c7r3c9 _8(r2c7r2c9)/YY
[]2r8c4/7r8c4-c_ C/(2;7)||*r7c8r9c8}
#[]YY thru ||*r7c8r9c8 (2;3) (2;7) (2;9) (3;7) (3;9) (7;9)
[](2;9)/9(r9c1r9c7)|#_9r9c8/9(r1c8r3c8)_9(r1c7r3c9)/8(r1c7r3c9)|*r1c7r3c9 _8(r2c7r2c9)/YY
[](7;9)/9(r7c3r7c9)|#_9r7c8/... as above
Having derived two weak links p/D and O/A, we have now a Nice loop
[]ad Dp Po OA []7r2c3-a/7r1c2-d_ /p_2(r4c1r5c1r6c1)-P/2r2c1-o_O/A
clearing thru
=7r2c3 =7r1c2
and =2(r4c1r5c1r6c1) =2r2c1
====> start edit one
I will not cover the remaining part of the "Kurzhals loop" cleaning for two reasons:
- I will likely introduce the "virus pattern" analysis and may be the "Kurzhals loop" identification, so the rest is obsolete,
- I have a small problem in backtracking of clearing due to incomplete handling of "couple tags" clearing and I need time to solve it.
I have no problem with the next steps, so I can comment the solver proposal
Here is the situation at the end of "Kurzhals loop" cleaning.
- Code: Select all
1 47A8 345h8 |3567Ã 389f 5678 |34j89 36k9 2
2g38 9 37a8 |4 126 1267A |1i38 5 36K8
345H8 2G48 6 |1235 389F 1258 |7 1I39 34J89
24b68 5 14B7Â8 |9 126 3 |128 1267D 678
389 126 389 |126 7 4 |35c89 126 35C89
2369 1267a 1379 |8 5 126 |1239 4 367Â9
7 1l48 4589n |1235 34e8 1258 |6 2o39 3459
456m 3 1L45 |1267d 126 9 |2O45 8 457D
4589N 46M8 2 |3567 34E8 567Ã8 |3459 37d9 1
This is the status after basic tagging. The "Kurzhals loop" is still there with a lot of new strong links.
In fact, "G" is "a"; "K" is "i"; "o" is "d"; "M" is "l" for the visible part of it.
Unless I missed something, Loop effect is of no use in the following sequence
We intend to show that 1r6c7 can be cleared.
Two chains re used later
#[]6r5c2/6r8c4 []6r5c2/6r9c2_6r8c1/6r8c4
#[]1r2c5/1r4c8 []1r2c5/1r2c7-i_1r3c8-I/1r4c8
And we start deriving weak links
#[]1r8c4/1r6c7 []1r5c4/1r8c4 []1r5c2/1r7c2_1r8c3/1r8c4
#[]1r8c4/1r2c5 []1r5c8/1r3c8_1r2c7/1r2c5 +..
#[]1r2c6/8r3c9 []7r1c2-==7r2c6-A/1r2c6 []4r1c2/4r1c7_4r3c9/8r3c9
#[]6r2c5/6r8c4 []6r5c8/6r1c8_6r2c9/6r2c5
[]6r5c4/6r8c4 []6r5c2/6r8c4|#
#[]Ù/1r4c8 []1r8c5/2r8c5-Ù []1r4c5/1r4c8 []1r2c5/1r4c8|#
#[]Ù/6r4c8 []6r8c5/2r8c5-Ù []6r4c5/6r4c8 []6r2c5/6r2c9_6r1c8/6r4c8
#[]2r2c5/2r8c4 []2r5c8/2r7c8_2r8c7/2r8c4-Ö []2r5c4/2r8c4-Ö []2r5c2/2r3c2_2r2c1/2r2c5
#[]2r5c8/6r8c4 []6r5c8/2r5c8 []6r5c4/6r8c4 []6r5c2/6r8c4|#
#[]1r2c5/1r4c3 []1r8c3/1r4c3 []1r8c5/1r2c5 []1r8c4/1r2c5|#
#[]d/Ù 7r4c8-D []1r4c8/Ù|# []2r4c8/2r7c8_2r8c7/2r8c5-Ù []6r4c8/Ù|#
#[]2r8c4-Ö/2r4c7 []2r8c5-Ù/2r8c4-Ö []2r4c5/2r4c7 []2r2c5/2r8c4-Ö|#
#[]2(r4c7r6c7)-D/2r2c5 2r8c7-d []2r8c5-Ù/2r2c5 []2r8c4-Ö/2r2c5|#
#[]2(r4c8r5c8)-d/6r8c4 2r7c8-D []2r5c8/6r8c4|# []2r4c8/7r4c8-D_7r8c4-d/6r8c4
#[]1r2c5/1r6c7 []1r4c5/1r2c5 []1r4c3/1r2c5|# []1r4c8/1r2c5|# []1r4c7/1r6c7
#[]d/2r4c7 []2r8c7/2r4c7 []2r8c5-Ù/d|# []2r8c4/7r8c4-d
#[]2r8c4-Ö/1r6c7[]2r8c7/2r8c4-Ö []2r6c7/1r6c7 []2r4c7/2r8c4-Ö|#
#[]þ/6r8c4 1r2c5 (þ is any counterpart of 1r2c5)
[]2r2c5/2(r4c7r6c7)-D|#_2(r4c8r5c8)-d/6r8c4|# []6r2c5/6r8c4|#
#[]6r8c4/1r6c7 []6r8c4/þ|#_1r2c5/1r6c7|#
#[]1r6c7/8r3c9 []1r2c7-i/1r6c7 []1r2c5/1r6c7|# []1r2c6/8r3c9|#
#[]1r6c7/2r4c7 []7r8c4-d/2r4c7|# []1r8c4/1r6c7|# []2r8c4-Ö/1r6c7|# []6r8c4/1r6c7|#
#[]D/1r6c7 7r8c4-d
[]1r8c4/1r6c7|# []2r8c4-Ö/1r6c7|# []6r8c4/1r6c7|#
#[]É/1r6c7 []1r4c7/1r6c7 []2r4c7/1r6c7|# []8r4c7/8(r1c7r2c7)-É
#[]1r6c7/6r4c9 []7r8c9-D/1r6c7|# []7r6c9-Â/1r6c7|*r5c7r5c9r6c7r6c9 []7r4c9/6r4c9
#[]K/1r6c7 []8(r1c7r2c7)-É/1r6c7|# []8r2c9/6r2c9-K []8r3c9/1r6c7|#
#[]k/1r6c7 6r2c9-K
[]6r6c9/1r6c7|*r5c7r5c9r6c7r6c9 []6r4c9/1r6c7|#
#[]1r6c7/1r6c7 []1r6c7/K|#_k/1r6c7|#
Nota: the sequence as such is valid. However, on can notice that the computer has tagged -Ö 2r8c4 and 2r5c2.
This is not used in the best way in the sequence.
The refreshed tagging situation
- Code: Select all
1 47A8 345i8 |3567Å 389f 5678 |34j89 36k9 2
2h38 9 37a8 |4 126 1267A |1g38 5 36K8
345I8 2H48 6 |1235 389F 1258 |7 1G39 34J89
24b68 5 14B7Ä8 |9 126 3 |1G28 1267D 678
389 126 389 |126 7 4 |35c89 1Q26 35C89
2369 1267a 1379 |8 5 1P26 |239 4 367Ä9
7 1l48 4589n |1235 34e8 1258 |6 2o39 3459
456m 3 1L45 |1267d 126 9 |2O45 8 457D
4589N 46M8 2 |3567 34E8 567Å8 |3459 37d9 1
and showing 1r2c6 is not valid
#[]L/1r2c6 1r7c2-l []1r5c2/1(r6c2r6c3)_1r6c6/1r2c6 []1r6c2/7r6c2_7r2c6/1r2c6
#[]2r5c8/1r8c4 []1r5c8/2r5c8 []1r5c4/1r8c4 []1r5c2/1r7c2_1r8c3/1r8c4
#[]2r5c8/6r8c4 []6r5c8/2r5c8 []6r5c4/6r8c4 []6r5c2/6r9c2_6r8c1/6r8c4
#[]1r8c5/6r4c8 []6r8c5/1r8c5 []6r4c5/6r4c8 []6r2c5/6r2c9_6r1c8/6r4c8
#[]1r5c2/2r2c5 []1r8c5/1r8c3_1r7c2/1r5c2 []1r4c5/1r6c6_1(r6c2r6c3)/1r5c2 []1r2c5/2r2c5
#[]D/2r5c8 7r8c4-d []1r8c4/2r5c8|# []2r8c4/2r8c7_2r5c8/2r7c8-D []6r8c4/2r5c8|#
#[]l/6r4c8 1r8c3-L []1r8c5/6r4c8|# []1r8c4/7r8c4_7r4c8/6r4c8
#[]6r5c8/2r2c5 []1r5c2/2r2c5|# []2r5c2/2r3c2_2r2c1/2r2c5 []6r5c2/6r5c8
#[]2r5c8/1r2c6 []7r4c8-D/2r5c8|# []1r4c8/1r4c7_1r2c7/1r2c6
[]2r4c8/2r5c8 []6r4c8/l|#_L/1r2c6|#
#[]6r5c8/1r2c6 []1r2c5/1r2c6 []2r2c5/6r5c8|# []6r2c5/6r2c9_6r1c8/6r5c8
#1r2c6 []1r5c8/1r4c7-G_1r2c7-g/1r2c6 []2r5c8/1r2c6|# []6r5c8/1r2c6|#
and the refresed situation
- Code: Select all
1 47B8 345i8 |3567Å 389g 5678 |34j89 36k9 2
2h38 9 37b8 |4 1a26 267B |1A38 5 36K8
345I8 2H48 6 |1235 389G 1258 |7 1a39 34J89
24c68 5 14C7Ä8 |9 126 3 |1a28 1267E 678
389 126 389 |126 7 4 |35d89 1Q26 35D89
2369 1267b 1379 |8 5 1P26 |239 4 367Ä9
7 1l48 4589n |1235 34f8 1258 |6 2o39 3459
456m 3 1L45 |1267e 126 9 |2O45 8 457E
4589N 46M8 2 |3567 34F8 567Å8 |3459 37e9 1
Proving 4r3c1 and 4r7c2 are not valid is interessing.
It is the last very difficult clearing, still far from the end.
The first step is to show they have the same tag.
We will show that 4r3c1 forces 4r7c2 and 4r7c2 forces r3c1, which is enough to have the same tag for both.
Common chains
#[]4r7c9/4r3c1 []4r3c1/4(r1c2r3c2)_4(r7c2r9c2)/4(r8c1r8c3)_4(r8c7r8c9)/4r7c9
#[]2r4c8/2r8c5 []2r8c5/2r8c7_2r7c8/2r4c8
1) 4r3c1 forces 4r7c2
#[]E/4r3c1 []4r3c9-J/4r3c1 []4r8c9/7r8c9-E []4r7c9/4r3c1|#
#[]2r8c5/1r4c8 []1r2c5==1r4c7-a/1r4c8 []1r8c5/2r8c5 []1r4c5/1r4c8
#[]2r8c5/6r4c8 []6r8c5/2r8c5 []6r4c5/6r4c8 []6r2c5/6r2c9_6r1c8/6r4c8
#[]1r8c5/4r3c1 []1r8c3/1r8c5 []5r8c3/5r1c3_5r3c1/4r3c1 []4r8c3/4r4c3-4r4c1/4r3c1
#[]2r8c5/4r3c1 []7r4c8-E/4r3c1|# []1r4c8/2r8c5|# []2r4c8/2r8c5|# []6r4c8/2r8c5|#
#[]4r9c2/4r3c1 []1r8c5/4r3c1|# []2r8c5/4r3c1|# []6r8c5/6r8c1_6r9c2/4r9c2
and Final 4r7c2 []4(r1c2r3c2)/4r3c1 []4r9c2/4r3c1|#
2) 4r7c2 forces 4r3c1
#[]4r8c1/4r1c3 []4r8c1/4r4c1_4r4c3/4r1c3
#[]5r8c1/4r1c3 []5r8c1/5r3c1_5r1c3/4r1c3
#[]6r8c4/4r1c3 []6r8c1/6r8c4 []5r8c1/4r1c3|# []4r8c1/4r1c3|#
#[]6r8c4/4r3c1 []4r3c9/4r3c1 []4r8c9/6r8c4|*r8c4r8c9 []4r7c9/4r3c1|#
#[]6r8c4/4r7c2 []4(r1c2r3c2)/4r7c2 []4r3c1/6r8c4|# []4r1c3/6r8c4|#
2r8c5 forces 'E'
#[]e/2r8c5 7r4c8-E []1r4c8/2r8c5|# []2r4c8/2r8c5|# []6r4c8/2r8c5|#
#[]6r8c5/4r1c3 []6r8c1/6r8c5 []5r8c1/4r1c3|# []4r8c1/4r1c3|#
#[]2r8c5/4r7c2 []7r8c4-e/2r8c5|# []1r8c4/1r8c3_1r7c2/4r7c2 []2r8c4/2r8c5 []6r8c4/4r7c2|#
#[]4r7c2/4r1c3 []1r8c5/1r8c3_1r7c2/4r7c2 []2r8c5/4r7c2|# []6r8c5/4r1c3|#
and final 4r3c1 []4(r1c2r3c2)/4r7c2 []4r1c3/4r7c2|#
We can now justify the clearing with 4r7c2 == 4r3c1 (same tag here XX)
We will re use from previous step
#[]e/2r8c5 2r8c5 forces 'E'
And the sequence startng with chains
#[]1r4c5/1r5c2 []1r5c2/1(r6c2r6c3)_1r6c6/1r4c5
#[]1r8c5/1r5c2 []1r5c2/1r7c2_1r8c3/1r8c5
#[]1r8c5/XX []1r8c5/1r8c3_1r7c2/4r7c2-XX
#[]5r1c4/XX []5r1c4/5r1c3_5r3c1/4r3c1-XX
#[]5r8c1/4r1c3 []5r8c1/5r3c1_5r1c3/4r1c3
#[]4r8c1/4r1c3 []4r8c1/4r4c1_4r4c3/4r1c3
#[]2r2c5/2r5c2 []2r5c2/2r3c2_2r2c1/2r2c5
#[]6r8c5/6r5c2 []6r5c2/6r9c2_6r8c1/6r8c5
#[]6r2c5/6r4c8 []6r2c5/6r2c9_6r1c8/6r4c8
#[]4r7c9/XX []4r3c1-XXX/4(r1c2r3c2)_4(r7c2r9c2)/4(r8c1r8c3)_4(r8c7r8c9)/4r7c9
#[]6r6c1/6r1c4 []6r6c6/6r6c1 []6r2c6/6r1c4 []6r9c6/6r9c2_6r8c1/6r6c1 []6r1c6/6r1c4
#[]A/1r5c2 1r2c5-a []1r8c5/1r5c2|# []1r4c5/1r5c2|#
#[]7r1c4/XX []4r3c9/4r3c1-XX []4r8c9/7r8c9_7r8c4/7r1c4 []4r7c9/XX|#
== []5r8c1/4r1c3|# []4r8c1/4r1c3|#
#[]6r8c5/4r1c3 []6r8c1/6r8c5
#[]6r8c4/4r1c3 []6r8c1/6r8c4
#[]1r5c2/2r2c5 []1r2c5/2r2c5 []1r8c5/1r5c2|# []1r4c5/1r5c2|#
#[]6r5c2/6r4c8 []6r8c5/6r5c2|# []6r4c5/6r4c8 []6r2c5/6r4c8|#
#[]6r8c4/XX []4(r1c2r3c2)/4r7c2-XX []4r3c1-XX/6r8c4|# []4r1c3/6r8c4|#
#[]6r8c5/2r2c5 []1r5c2/2r2c5|# []2r5c2/2r2c5|# []6r5c2/6r8c5|#
#[]6r8c5/3r3c8 []1r2c5==1r3c8-a/3r3c8 []2r2c5/6r8c5|# []6r2c5/6r8c5
#[]6r2c5/6r4c8 []6r2c5/6r2c9_6r1c8/6r4c8
#[]m/6r4c8 []6r8c5/6r8c1-m []6r4c5/6r4c8 []6r2c5/6r4c8|#
#[]2r5c2/2r4c8 []2r8c5/2r4c8|# []2r4c5/2r4c8 []2r2c5/2r5c2|#
#[]a/2r4c8 []2r8c5/2r4c8|# []2r4c5/2r4c8 []2r2c5/1r2c5-a
#[]6r5c2/6r1c4 []6r1c8/6r1c4 []6r5c8/6r5c2 []6r4c8/6r5c2|#
#[]6r4c8/6r1c4 []6r8c1/6r4c8|# []6r4c1/6r4c8 []6r6c1/6r1c4|#
#[]ø/2r4c8 6r5c2 []1r5c2/A|#_a/2r4c8|# []2r5c2/2r4c8|# (ø complementary to 6r5c2)
#[]l/XX 1r8c3-L []5r8c3/5r1c3_5r3c1/4r3c1-XX []4r8c3/4r4c3_4r4c1/4r3c1-XX
#[]L/1r4c8 []1r2c5==1r4c7-a/1r4c8 []1r8c5/1r8c3-L []1r4c5/1r4c8
#[]6r1c4/XX []7r4c8-E/4r3c1-XX|# []1r4c8/L|#_l/4r3c1-XX|# []2r4c8/ø|#_6r5c2/6r1c4|# []6r4c8/6r1c4|#
#[]3r1c8/XX []7r1c4/4r3c1-XX|# []3r1c4/3r1c8 []5r1c4/4r3c1-XX|# []6r1c4/4r3c1-XX|#
#[]8r7c5/XX []7r1c4/XX|# []3r1c4/3(r7c4r9c4)_8(r1c5r3c5)/8r7c5 []5r1c4/4r3c1-XX|# []6r1c4/4r3c1-XX|#
#[]XX/4r1c3-§Q []1r8c5/XX|# []2r8c5/XX|# []6r8c5/4r1c3|#
#[]T/XX []4r7c5/4r7c2-XX []3r7c5/3(r7c8r7c9)-T []8r7c5/XX|#
#[]XX/3r3c8 []1r8c5/XX|# []2r8c5/XX|# []6r8c5/3r3c8|#
#[]3r9c8/XX []4r3c9/4r3c1-XX []4r8c9/3r9c8|*r8c9r9c8 []4r7c9/XX|#
#[]t/XX []3r9c8/XX|# []3r7c8/3(r7c4r7c5)-t []3r3c8/XX|# []3r1c8/XX|#
T/XX t/XX XX is dead clear 4r3c1 4r7c2
For the following steps, as the program will likely change the sequence taking benefit of the virus pattern structures, I'll give the clearing sequence.
If anybody wants more details, i'll give them.
Next steps (short sequences unless specified
- clear ch=2r2c5
- clear ch=6r2c6
- clear ch=6r6c9
- clear ch=2r6c6
- clear ch=8r7c3
- clear ch=8r1c2
- .clear ch=7r1c6
.clear ch=2r7c4
two medium size sequences
- clear ch=6r4c5 clear ch=6r8c4 medium size sequence
-. clear ch=8r1c7 clear ch=8r2c1
. clear ch=4r9c7
-.clear ch=3r6c3
.clear ch=3r2c7
- clear ch=3r3c1
-.clear ch=2r4c1
.clear ch=8r5c9 clear ch=7r4c9
.clear ch=8r3c6s
-.clear ch=8r9c5
.clear ch=1r5c2 clear ch=6r1c6 clear ch=6r4c8 clear ch=6r6c1
.clear ch=8r4c3
.clear ch=3r9c4
-.clear ch=9r6c3
.clear ch=5r8c1
we are there
- Code: Select all
1 4B7b 3S4Z5K8Ã |356a7B 389o 5p8P |34c9 36A9 2
2b3B 9 37B8Ä |4 1a6A 2B7b |1A8a 5 3S6a8
5k8K 2B4c8Æ 6 |12j35 38Ã9O 125 |7 1a39 34C8Ä9
4e6a8Å 5 1i4E7f |9 1D2d 3 |1a2D8 1f7F 6A8a
389 2q6Q 3B8ç9m |1g2D6i 7 4 |35h8Å9 1G2j6a 35H9
2B3U9è 1l26i7B 1r7R |8 5 1i6I |2q39 4 37f9
7 1L8l 459M |13V5 34n8P 12j58 |6 2J39 34y59
4a6A 3 1l45À |127f 12D6a 9 |2j4C5 8 457F
45K8Æ9m 4Z6a8 2 |567 3n4N 56i7B8l |359 37f9 1
Three steps are missing, in the next n, the tagging sequence clears 5r9c4 (saturation)
In the next one, similarly 5r3c6 and 1r7c4 are cleared
in addition, 3r7c8is cleared thru a chain
The last step is here
- Code: Select all
1 4B7b 3U4à5D8Ã |356a7B 389o 5p8P |34c9 36A9 2
2b3B 9 37B8Ä |4 1a6A 2B7b |1A8a 5 3U6a8
5d8D 2B4c8Æ 6 |12l35D 38Ã9O 1q2Q |7 1a39 34C8Ä9
4f6a8Å 5 1j4F7g |9 1E2e 3 |1a2E8 1g7G 6A8a
389 2r6R 3B8ç9m |1h2E6j 7 4 |35i8Å9 1H2l6a 35I9
2B3W9è 1K26j7B 1s7S |8 5 1j6J |2r39 4 37g9
7 1k8K 459M |3P5p 34n8P 1K2l58 |6 2L9l 3n4z59
4a6A 3 1K45Á |127g 12E6a 9 |2l4C5 8 457G
45D8Æ9m 4à6a8 2 |6t7T 3n4N 5â6j7B8K |359 3X7g9 1
several possibilities,
'B' 'g' 'D' 'a' are cleared, the puzzle is cracked
Edit one 2007 10 31 clearing 1r6c7 1r2c6
Edit 2 2007 11 01 clearing 4r3c1 4r7c2 and after