Bitwise/Boolean Sudoku Solver

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

Re: Bitwise/Boolean Sudoku Solver

Postby rjamil » Fri Nov 17, 2017 5:17 pm


Pleased to share latest RJSolBit.c and RJSolBit.cpp program.

In this release:
Minor bug fix: In line # 41, replace bits to digits value from 378 to 678 at first position as typo error. It only effects debug pencil mark output of cells that contain 678 as clues.

Added: Empty Rectangle strategy.

R. Jamil
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Re: Bitwise/Boolean Sudoku Solver

Postby rjamil » Sun May 20, 2018 8:07 pm

Hi all,

Pleased to share attached herewith the latest RJSolBit.c program (after half year). This time, discontinued development in C++ version of the same.

Now, this version search strategies as per following order:
1) Zero State check;
2) Hidden Single;
3) Naked Single (or guess from minimum clue cell position);
4) Naked & Hidden Tuples (pair, triplet & quad);
5) Locked Candidate 1 & 2;
6) Basic Fishes (X-Wing, Sword Fish & Jelly Fish);
7) Skyscraper & Grouped Skyscraper;
8) 2-String Kite and Grouped 2-String Kite;
9) Empty Rectangle, Dual Linked Empty Rectangle, Grouped Empty Rectangle & Dual Linked Grouped Empty Rectangle;
10) XY-Wings Type 1 (Row-Column wise) & XY-Wings Type 1 Transport;
11) XY-Wings Type 2 (Box-Line wise), XYZ-Wings & XYZ-Wings Hybrid Type 1 & 2;
12) W-Wings Type 1 & 2;
13) WXYZ-Wings Type 1 (Row-Column wise); and
14) WXYZ-Wings Type 2a, 2b, 3, 4a & 4b (Box-Line wise).

a) I have switched hidden single routine search before naked single routine. By doing this, add 2 more Ruud's 50K puzzles solved without guess.
b) Now, the solver is able to solve 7267 out of Ruud's 50K puzzles without guess.

R. Jamil

Added on 20180608:
Hidden Text: Show
Noticed that few Naked Singles are reported as Hidden Singles due routines switched. Therefore, adding following one line to distinguish them as Naked Single:

Replace line 403:
y = 1; // 1 Represent Hidden single Cell position
With Line 403 and 404:
if (B[g[r[a]]] > 1)
y = 1; // 1 Represent Hidden single Cell position

Added on 20181003:
Hidden Text: Show
Found minor bug in detecting W-Wings Type 1 ERi exemplar 4 and Type 2 ERI exemplar 4
Replace old Line number from 3092 to 3099:
Code: Select all
          if ((Z = (g[w[K[0]][L]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][6]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][7]]) &
            (g[w[K[0]][L]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][12]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][13]]) &
            ~(g[w[w[K[0]][L]][8]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][9]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][10]] |
            g[w[w[K[0]][L]][11]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][12]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][8]] |
            g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][9]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][10]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][11]] |
            g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][12]]) & (g[w[K[3 + a]][L]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][6]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][7]]) &
            (g[w[K[3 + a]][L]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][12]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][13]]) & K[2]) &&
            ((k[0] | k[1] | k[2] | k[3] | k[4] | k[5]) & (K[2] - Z)))

With new Line number from 3092 to 3099:
Code: Select all
          if ((Z = (g[w[K[0]][L]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][6]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][7]]) &
            (g[w[K[0]][L]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][12]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][13]]) &
            ~(g[w[w[K[0]][L]][8]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][9]] | g[w[w[K[0]][L]][10]] |
            g[w[w[K[0]][L]][11]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][8]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][9]] |
            g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][10]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][11]]) &
            (g[w[K[3 + a]][L]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][6]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][7]]) &
            (g[w[K[3 + a]][L]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][12]] | g[w[w[K[3 + a]][L]][13]]) & K[2]) &&
            ((k[0] | k[1] | k[2] | k[3] | k[4] | k[5]) & (K[2] - Z)))

Ruud's 50K specialty puzzles solved without guess increased from 7267 to 7307.
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Re: Bitwise/Boolean Sudoku Solver

Postby rjamil » Mon May 18, 2020 3:07 am

Hi all,

Wish to inform that I am sharing herewith my latest source codes of vanilla Sudoku solver RJSolBit.c (Recursive step-by-step backtracking) and RJSudoku.c (Iterative guess backtracking) programs.

Both the programs are now search following techniques:
01) Zero State check (fully implemented);
02) Hidden Single;
03) Naked Single (or guess from minimum values cell position);
04) Naked & Hidden Tuples (pair, triplet & quad);
05) Locked Candidate Type 1 (Pointing) & Type 2 (Claiming);
06) Almost Locked Candidates (pair, triplet & quad);
07) Basic Fishes (X-Wing, Sword Fish & Jelly Fish);
08) Skyscraper & Grouped Skyscraper;
09) 2-String Kite and Grouped 2-String Kite;
10) 2-String Kite+ERI Ring and Grouped 2-String Kite+ERI Ring;
11) 2-String Kite+ERI and Grouped 2-String Kite+ERI;
12) 2-String Kite+Box and Grouped 2-String Kite+Box;
13) Empty Rectangle, Dual Empty Rectangle, Grouped Empty Rectangle & Grouped Linked Empty Rectangle;
14) W-Wing Type 1 (Row-Column wise), Type 2 (Box-Line wise), Grouped W-Wing Type 1 & Type 2, W-Ring (1 exemplar);
15) Strong Wing Type 1 (Row-Column wise) & Type 2 (Box-Line wise), Strong Ring Type 1 (Row-Column wise) & Type 2 (Box-Line wise);
16) XY-Wing Type 1 (Row-Column wise), XY-Wing Type 1 Transport, XYZ-Transport, XYZ-Hybrid & Dual XYZ-Hybrid;
17) XY-Wing Type 2 (Box-Line wise), XY-Wing Type 2 Transport, XYZ-Wing, XYZ-Wing Transport, XYZ-Wing Hybrid & Dual XYZ-Wing Hybrid;
18) WXYZ-Wing Type 1 (Row-Column wise);
19) WXYZ-Wing Type 2a, 2b, 3, 4a & 4b (Box-Line wise);
20) XY-Ring Type 1 (Row-Column wise) & Type 2 (Box-Line wise);
21) Bivalue Universal Grave Type 1;
22) All known total 4 digits in 4 cells patterns of Almost Locked Set move Type 1 (Row-Column wise) & Type 2 (Box-Line wise);
23) Trial & Error via recursive step-by-step backtracking (RJSolBit.c) & iterative guess backtracking (RJSudoku.c).

a. Number of possibilities (pencil marks) for each puzzle at initial state;
b. Debug printing initial given clues puzzle grid.

Sharing some statistics for easy reference:
Code: Select all
Collection       Puzzles W/o guess
---------------- ------- ---------
Ruud's Specialty  50000    12520
17 clue puzzles   49158    48180
Tarek Pearls      6000     0
Mike's PG         26855    11075
1to9only PG       4279     1277

R. Jamil
Iterative guess backtracking
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Re: Bitwise/Boolean Sudoku Solver

Postby tarek » Mon May 18, 2020 2:04 pm

Great job rjamil!!!

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Re: Bitwise/Boolean Sudoku Solver

Postby rjamil » Wed May 20, 2020 1:04 pm

Hi Tarek,

tarek wrote:Great job rjamil!!!


Many thanks for your kind appreciation.

R. Jamil
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Bitwise/Boolean Sukaku Solver

Postby rjamil » Wed May 20, 2020 1:30 pm

Hi all,

Pleased to share herewith my first attempt to solve iterative backtracking vanilla RJSukaku.c Sukaku Solver program with pattern based logic.

Based on Tom's suggestion, I have finally decided to convert my RJSolBit.c program to solve bulk Sukaku puzzles.

I look forward to receiving expert feedback.

R. Jamil
Iterative backtracking vanilla Sukaku Solver with pattern based logic
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Re: Bitwise/Boolean Sudoku Solver

Postby rjamil » Thu Nov 07, 2024 9:50 pm

Hello to all again,

Wish to inform that, Pattern Overlay Method, devised by Myth Jellies, has been incorporated in to RJSudoku.c and RJSukaku.c, with efficient way and without any restrictions, successfully. My GitHub repositories have been updated accordingly.

I have carefully examined the 46656 POM templates and noticed that, for each cell in first row, same pattern applied for mini-row.

Similarly, for each cell position in first row, there are 6 disjoint cell positions for second row, 6 for third row and 8 each for rest of the rows.

I have introduced two dimensional reference array R[9][60] containing nine cell positions in first row x 60 cell positions for rest of the 2nd to 9th rows.

Similarly, I have converted templates in to three dimensional array P[3][5184][8] containing first row's three mini-row patterns x 5184 templates x 8 pointers to first row nine disjoint reference cell positions of rest of the rows.

Now, both the programs search following techniques:
1) Zero State check (fully implemented);
2) Hidden Single;
3) Naked Single (or guess from minimum values cell position);
4) Locked candidate Type 1 (Pointing) & Type 2 (Claiming);
5) Locked pair & triplet
6) Naked & Hidden Tuples (pair, triplet & quad);
7) Almost Locked Candidates (pair, triplet & quad);
8) Basic Fishes (X-Wing, Sword Fish & Jelly Fish);
9) Skyscraper & Grouped Skyscraper;
10) 2-String Kite and Grouped 2-String Kite;
11) 2-String Kite+ERI Ring and Grouped 2-String Kite+ERI Ring;
12) 2-String Kite+ERI and Grouped 2-String Kite+ERI;
13) 2-String Kite+Box and Grouped 2-String Kite+Box;
14) Empty Rectangle, Dual Linked Empty Rectangle;
15) Grouped Empty Rectangle & Dual Linked Grouped Empty Rectangle;
16) M-Wing Type 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B;
17) M-Ring Type A;
18) W-Wing Type 1 (Row-Column wise), Type 2 (Box-Line wise);
19) Grouped W-Wing Type 1 & Type 2, W-Ring (1 exemplar);
20) Strong Wing Type 1 & Strong Ring Type 1 (Row-Column wise);
21) Strong Wing Type 2 & Strong Ring Type 2 (Box-Line wise);
22) XY-Ring Type 1 (Row-Column wise);
23) XY-Wing Type 1 (Row-Column wise);
24) XY-Wing Type 1 Transport;
25) XYZ-Transport;
26) XYZ-Hybrid & Dual XYZ-Hybrid;
27) XY-Ring Type 2 (Box-Line wise);
28) XY-Wing Type 2 (Box-Line wise);
29) XY-Wing Type 2 Transport;
30) XYZ-Wing;
31) XYZ-Wing Transport;
32) XYZ-Wing Hybrid & Dual XYZ-Wing Hybrid;
33) WXYZ-Wing Type 1 (Row-Column wise);
34) Almost Locked Set move Type 1a & Type 1b;
35) WXYZ-Wing Type 2a, 2b, 3, 4a, 4b & (SDC) (Box-Line wise);
36) Almost Locked Set move Type 2a, Type 2b & Type 2c;
37) Bivalue Universal Grave Type 1;
38) Pattern Overlay Method (Single digit);
39) Trial & Error via recursive step-by-step backtracking (RJSolBit.c) & iterative guess backtracking (RJSudoku.c & RJSukaku.c).
(Note: RJSolBit.c need long time to be update for reflecting POM efficiently and without restrictions.)

Here, I am sharing some statistics for the following popular Sudoku puzzle collection:

With Pattern Overlay Method (Limited) added:
Ruud's 50K : 13757 +481
17 49158 : 48461 +251
Tarek 6000 : 0
PG 26855 : 11910 +711
PG 4279 : 1399 +107

With Pattern Overlay Method (Efficient and Unlimited) updated:
Ruud's 50K : 13763 +6
17 49158 : 48469 +8
Tarek 6000 : 0
PG 26855 : 11940 +30
PG 4279 : 1407 +8

R. Jamil

Added as on 20250105: Wish to inform that the POM static data has been most highly compressed intellegently, i.e., less than 3.85% of the original data, without loosing robust and exhaustive search criteria. Updated GitHub repositories accordingly.

Added as on 20250109: Wish to inform that bivalue POM or Templating (for elimination only) has been added successfully. Find below updated statistics:

Ruud's 50K : 20618 +6855 280 sec
17 49158 : 48764 +295 52 sec
Tarek 6000 : 0 350 sec
PG 26855 : 12707 +767 420 sec
PG 4279 : 1538 +131 64 sec

Added as on 20250109: Updated Bivalue POM or Templating for minor error in printing steps.

Added as on 20250130: Updated Double-digit POM or Templating for placement move. (I see no changes in statistics but reduced steps to solve the puzzles drastically.)
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