Is this 24-clue pattern difficult to produce?
- Code: Select all
*...*...* a...b...a
.*.*.*.*. .c.d.d.c.
......... .........
.*.*.*.*. .d.e.e.d.
*.......* b.......b
.*.*.*.*. .d.e.e.d.
......... .........
.*.*.*.*. .c.d.d.c
*...*...* a...b...a
Then take any 2 stars to produce puzzles.(Long time to get one)
2(a,a) 2(a,b) 3(a,c) 4(a,d) 3(a,e)
2(b,b) 2(b,c) 4(b,d) 2(b,e) 2(c,c)
4(c,d) 3(c,e) 5(d,d) 4(d,e) 2(e,e) = 44 kinds of puzzles
2...8... (2.6)
4...9... (6.6)
7...9... (8.4) 13xNishio
3...1... (7.4) 34xForcing
7...2... with Jellyfish
6...9...5.7...3.1.............1...2.8....... (9.1) hardest
1.Correct the rating XYZ-wing : 4.2, XY-wing : 4.4
2.Advance the 3.0, 6.9, 7.1, 7.2, 7.4 puzzles.
How everyone feels these techniques between 6.0 ~ 7.0,
Aligned Pair Exclusion
Bidirectioal X-Cycles
Turbot Fish
Forcing X-Chains
Bidirectioal Y-Cycles
which should be the hardest and the easiest?