Best app

Programs which generate, solve, and analyze Sudoku puzzles

Best app

Postby ctinc » Sun Jan 29, 2023 2:03 am

What is the best app from the Google Play store?
Posts: 4
Joined: 29 January 2023

Re: Best app

Postby jco » Sun Jan 29, 2023 2:20 pm

Hi ctinc,

If you like solving sudoku puzzles almost like in a paper using pencil (no filter, no built in hints or solver),
I suggest the "Quarzo sudoku" app. Sure, it allows pencilmarks and if you want you can
have them filled in the grid (useful if you want to tackle higher levels instead of the
daily puzzles). The app allows coloring for digits
(here my request was kindly granted. This is very useful if you want to face levels like nightmare, grandmaster).
The quality of the puzzles is excellent
[daily, easy,intermediate,hard, expert, extreme,nightmare,grandmaster].
In the daily the levels alternate: easy, intermediate and hard.
Of course, no advanced technique is needed for the daily.
For me, just the daily is enough to exercise the basics (I did not miss a single one since 2020)
and once a week I solve some nightmare.
So, an app with these characteristics is "best" in my POV. If you prefer more features, I suggest the
"enjoy sudoku" app, if still available.

Posts: 789
Joined: 09 June 2020

Re: Best app

Postby ctinc » Sun Jan 29, 2023 2:42 pm

I like a app that offers hints, not just filling in a number, but that actually gives you way to get the next number.

I would also like it to do corner notation and center notation.

Any suggestions for all of this?

Thank you very much
Posts: 4
Joined: 29 January 2023

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