See it for yourself at " " and find out why they are soooooooo bad programmed.
Tried to contact the people behind this site, but no answers.
Have fun

Fritsel wrote:I am new here, so hello everyone.
See it for yourself at " " and find out why they are soooooooo bad programmed.
Tried to contact the people behind this site, but no answers.
Fritsel wrote:I donot quit understand what solving by singles means.
SpAce wrote:1 star: full house, box-based hidden single
2 stars: + line-based hidden single, naked single
3 stars: + pointing, hidden pair
4 stars: + claiming, naked pair, hidden/naked triple, (rarely) hidden/naked quad
5 stars: + UR, X-Wing, Turbot Fishes, W-Wing, Y-Wing, BUG, X-Chain, XY-Chain, XYZ-Wing, simple AIC, Swordfish...
SpAce wrote:1 star: full house, box-based hidden single (Super Mild)
2 stars: + line-based hidden single, naked single (Mild)
3 stars: + pointing, hidden pair (Moderate)
4 stars: + claiming, naked pair (severe)
5 stars: + hidden/naked triple, , X-Wing, (rarely) hidden/naked quad (Fiendish)
6 stars: + UR, Turbot Fishes, W-Wing, Y-Wing, BUG, X-Chain, XY-Chain, XYZ-Wing, simple AIC, Swordfish... (Super Fiendish)
tarek wrote:1 star: full house, box-based hidden single (Super Mild)
2 stars: + line-based hidden single, naked single (Mild)
3 stars: + pointing, hidden pair (Moderate)
4 stars: + claiming, naked pair (severe)
5 stars: + hidden/naked triple, , X-Wing, (rarely) hidden/naked quad (Fiendish)
6 stars: + UR, Turbot Fishes, W-Wing, Y-Wing, BUG, X-Chain, XY-Chain, XYZ-Wing, simple AIC, Swordfish... (Super Fiendish)
SpAce wrote:I like that even better! However, I'd drop UR (at least Type 1 and 4, maybe 2 as well) to level 5 as it's definitely the easiest non-basic to spot (for me at least). I might do that even for the Turbots and BUG+1, though they're a bit harder than UR and X-Wing. The rest of the non-basics are clearly harder, especially without pm, so 6 stars is good for them.
Star Rating wrote:1 star: full house, box-based hidden single (Super Mild)
2 stars: + line-based hidden single, naked single (Mild)
3 stars: + pointing, hidden pair (Moderate)
4 stars: + claiming, naked pair (severe)
5 stars: + hidden/naked triple, , X-Wing, UR (1, 2, 4), Turbot Fishes, BUG+1 (Fiendish)
6 stars: + UR3, (rarely) hidden/naked quad, W-Wing, Y-Wing, other BUGs, X-Chain, XY-Chain, XYZ-Wing, simple AIC, Swordfish... (Super Fiendish)
tarek wrote:Final modification then![]()