Paul wrote:My ALS engine found your example dual-linked ALS as a Death Blossom, but using a different stem r4c49.<2> and with 16 eliminations. I checked with Xsudo and they all appear to be found by the same base/cover set that my new base/cover engine discovered. I use different notation, but it matches exactly. The base/cover engine found 2 additional eliminations that dual-linked ALS rules didn't catch using the stem cells + all the ALS cells.
Paul wrote:I think the "more correct" base set should just include 2r4 for the stem cells, but then it omits the r4c8<>1 elimination.
Edit This is a re-post of an earlier post that was deleted.
I now understand your death blossom, which I found as a continuous nice loop with one ALS link. This loop uses 2R4 as a base set and causes the same 14 eliminations. It also seems to be the same logic, only the name is different.
- Code: Select all
Rank 0 continuous nice loop (with ALS link)
(2c4) (4b3) (7r3) (8c7) (2b6) (7c7)
2R4: 2r4c4=======================2r4c9 row base set
| |
3N4: 2r3c4=========7r3c4 |
| |
5N7: | 2r5c7==7r5c7
| |
3N9: 4r3c9==7r3c9 |
| |
6N7: | 8r6c7=========7r6c7 }
| | | } ALS
1N7: 4r1c7=========8r1c7=========7r1c7 }
For the Xsudo base/cover set model you compare to:
- Code: Select all
From Xsudo:
| 9 3457 4578 | 137 6 145 | (478) 2 178-4 |
| 38 234567 45678 | 137-2 45 1245 | 69-478 15678-4 1789-4 |
| 256-7 2456-7 1 | (27) 8 9 | 3 56-47 (47) |
| 38 379 789 | (12) 79 6 | 5 4-1 (12-4) |
| 4 1 57 | 8 357 2357 | (27) 9 6 |
| 567 5679 2 | 4 579 157 | (78) 1378 1378 |
| 67 4679 3 | 5 2 478 | 1 4678 4789 |
| 1 245679 45679 | 69 347 3478 | 2469-78 34678 234789 |
| 267 8 4679 | 69 1 347 | 2469-7 3467 5 |
Pwaz 16 Candidates, Raw Rank = 2 (linksets - sets)
7 Sets = {34N4 156N7 34N9}
9 Links = {7r3 12r4 2c4 78c7 4c9 2b6 4b3}
7 Eliminations -->
r3c128<>7, r12c9<>4, r2c4<>2, r4c8<>1,
I get 7 eliminations, and, 2r4 serves no purpose.
I think what's going on is that 2r4 is not a true cover set, at least not an obvious one. It is however, a "strong" cover set. With the setting [Allow Strong Cover Sets] = ON, there will be 16 eliminations because Xsudo is using 2r4 as a strong link. When ASCS = OFF, there will be 7 eliminations, and 2r4 is no longer needed.
Back to the Death Blossum (or continuous nice loop). In this case 2R4 is really a base set and all 14 of the eliminations are there with or without allowing strong cover sets.