- Code: Select all
↑ ↓ ← → means when you stand on it, you must go up/down/left/right
○ means when you stand on it, you continue walk with the way you come here.
∥ means you can only go through it by ↑ and ↓
= means you can only go through it by ← and →
The arrow can't be the loop like
→↓ ↓ → ○ ←
↑← ↑
can't be stop before out this pattern like
and when you start at any arrow, you can go outside from this pattern.
Others rules are the same as Sudoku.
One graphic appears at any colume, row, or box only once
The pattern have 5x5 (↑ ↓ ← → ○ ) 5 col, 5 row
or 6x6 (↑ ↓ ← → ∥= ) 6 col, 6 row, 6 box