I tried to solve the Sudoku # 647900 (very hard):
- Code: Select all
|. . .|. 1 .|. . 9|
|. . 7|. 5 .|2 . .|
|. 8 .|9 . 7|. . .|
|. . 8|7 . .|. 2 6|
|3 . .|1 . 2|. . 8|
|6 2 .|. . 3|7 . .|
|. . .|3 . 5|. 4 .|
|. . 6|. 2 .|9 . .|
|7 . .|. 4 .|. . .|
I hardly found ANY hidden singles, this is what I could find out:
- Code: Select all
|45 346 35..|2 1 68|458 7... 9...|
|9. 136 7...|4 5 68|2.. 138. 13..|
|2. 8.. 15..|9 3 7.|145 6... 145.|
|1. 5.. 8...|7 9 4.|3.. 2... 6...|
|3. 7.. 49..|1 6 2.|45. 59.. 8...|
|6. 2.. 49..|5 8 3.|7.. 19.. 14..|
|8. 9.. 12..|3 7 5.|6.. 4... 12..|
|45 34. 6...|8 2 1.|9.. 35.. 7...|
|7. 13. 1235|6 4 9.|158 1358 1235|
The biggest problems for me are:
1. the right start
2. to find TOO LESS (!!!) hidden singles
3. to pencilmark TOO MANY (!!!) cells
4. to find LESS than NO logic
I am sure, that I am the ONLY one in the WHOLE WORLD with LESS than NO brain! Otherwise I can´t explain why I can´t solve such EXTREMELY EASY Sudokus ((((
Any hints and tipps are appreciated. Thanks in advance